Its not what main stream media or tradition has falsely taught us


The word CHURCH, is a “coined” Anglo-Saxon word.

Church never meant a building or structure of any kind.

FIrst off the Book of Acts is not a record of the birth of any so called Christian church denomination but rather, a record of the second reoffering of Christ, to the Nation of Israel. To try to force the birth of Christianity in Acts is to Wrongly divide the word of truth.

It is true that Christ gave himself for his Church which is his body of saved believers baptised spiritually by the Holy spirit, not water baptized as the Jewish traditions and customs were but his body is not in any building structure or Temple made with hands. Going to church, as one has been taught, is not a Bible Doctrine .

For that matter, there were only Jewish Temples and Pagan temples for almost the first 300 years. The Book of Acts is not I repeat not a record of the starting or foundation, of any so called Christian Churches. The record account in Acts is not the record of the Christian Church.

Those that take their Gospel marching orders of Matthew and Mark , to [go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel forget or ignore the fact that, the Gospel at that time was the Kingdom Gospel and it was not to be given to any Gentile that is you and I my friend , Thats Bible rightly divided. You see the Jews were under an order of Separation from Leviticus 20 which forbid them to go unto one of another Nation no matter the reason . When Paul who was called by God to set the Gospel order from strickly to the Jews , Acts 13:46, Then tp the Jews first then Gentiles Acts 18:6 and Finally strictly to the Gentiles only Acts 28:28 when Pauls Mystery church gospel was put in force and in motion. Jesus clearly said quote, As my Father has sent me [only to the Jews] so send I you] only to the Jews , in like manner. How much clearer can he be. Jesus himself said he was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel. He also said, it was not good to take the childrens Israels bread and cast it to gentile dogs.

Jewish Epistles of Matthew 10 and Matthew 15 Romans 15 and scores of other verses make it crystal clear . that the Gospel to be preached was to and for the Jewish nation if Israel only as Jesus said himself I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel therefore am I sent , Jews , Jews, Jews,. Christ was a minister unto the circumcision, Romans 15 Jews Jews Jews… Not Gentile Christians but a Gentile can and did get converted to Judaism , The Gospel order was to the Jew first.

Matthew Mark Luke and John are a continuation of Old Testament scriptures, they are all Jewish.

There is no such thing as New Testament books so called 27 books containing the New Covenant .

Rome organized and set the order of Books in our wrongly divided Bibles. Yes Rome under St Jerome a Roman Catholic Bishop, decided that these 27 books Matthew – Revelation were to be deemed NT books . First off that is totally impossible as the New Covenant is clearly not contained in 27 books, but in Jerimiah 31:31 and Hebrews 8, 9 and 10 clearly Hebrews and Jerimiah. are written for the Tribulation Jewish nation of Israel. so if anything my friend according to the scriptures and not tradition, any new testament is only to and for the tribulation Jews.. Not any so called Christian church membership.

I challenge anyone who can prove that Christ or any other prophet or Apostle or Disciple in any scripture anywhere in the Bible, state that these 27 books contain NT Christian doctrine , They simply do not . You may wish to state the claim of writings of Church Fathers and or Historians and or Bible Scholars or whoever you wish , however they do not decide what is and what is not Bible doctrine.

But what sayeth the Scriptures. The Scriptures never ever make such a claim I am not saying that the Saved are not to share the good news and share the truth, I am saying that , the scriptures make no such claim. It is a proven Historical fact that, The Great Whore of Revelation [The Roman Catholic Church] with all its Church theaters and auditoriums and lets not forget the Pagan Sunday worship service, was the forerunner, and the Harlot daughters of Revelation 17, proven historically the Reformation Churches, came out of Rome, Why do you think all so called Christian Churches have a Sunday worship service .

Christ said himself that he does not need a Temple made with hands to be worshipped in , All building worship was done away with at Calvary as it was a Shadow . Paul says we worship Christ in the Heavenlies in a more excellent way . WE are buried with him into his death at Calvary not in the River Jordan.

(1). The Hebrew word for our English word CHURCH ,is KAHAL, i.e. AN ASSEMBLY OF CALLED OUT ONES.

(2). The corresponding Greek word for our English word CHURCH, is ECCLESIA. It is formed from the two Greek words KALEO,TO CALL ,and EK, .OUT FROM.. The foregoing Hebrew KAHAL simply means—AN ASSEMBLY OF CALLED OUT ONES, and both KAHAL ,and ECCLESIA refer to (ANY) ASSEMBLY OF CALLED ONES. For example. In Acts 19:32,39,41,the Greek word ECCLESIA, or our English word CHURCH ,is therein used, to describe AN ASSEMBLY 0F (UNSAVED) CALLED OUT ONES,FROM THE PAGAN CITY OF EPHESUS. Or simply ,A TOWN HALL ASSEMBLY OF EPHESIAN. Were the Bible to mention the dreaded Gestapo of Adolph Hitler,. as being A SPECIAL ASSEMBLY,CALLED OUT OF THE GERMAN MASSES. “It”, would also have been called “AN ECCLESIA”, or–“A CHURCH” or–AN ASSEMBLY OF CALLED OUT PERSONS. Nowhere in Holy Writ is the Hebrew word Kahal, or the Greek word Ecclesia, ever used to denote a place of temple or building worship! The bible never teaches such a thing as “GOING TO AN ECCLESIA”,i.e. Or, “GOING TO A CHURCH TEMPLE BUILDING”!

Whenever the English coined word CHURCH is mentioned today, most persons envision an imposing Gothic type structure, with a cross mounted spire, stained glass windows ,and containing an elevated altar, choir loft ,multiple congregational pews red carpeting, religious statues, visible baptistry etc. People say. I am going to MY CHURCH, or, are you going to YOUR CHURCH? Thus the confusion that invariably accompanies the mis-use of the English coined word CHURCH ,and all that the word itself has wrongly led us to state or imply. In later studies by this same author we will find. That unlike the Temple days of National Israel. (ALL) building worship has been abolished ,together with (ALL) of it’s multiple priestly intercessors between God and man. And (ALL) of it’s former “ordinances of Divine service” i.e. In favor of, “A NEW AND LIVING WAY TO WORDHIP GOD, SOLELY IN THE HEAVENLIES”. See Heb Ch 9 & 10, Acts 17:25. The question, that each person living in (our) “churchless” age should both ask and answer for ones self? In- as much as it plainly (now) states in Acts 17:24,25 “GOD,THAT MADE THE WORLD AND ALL THINGS THEREIN,SEEING THAT HE IS LORD OF HEAVEN AND EARTH (DWELLETH NOT IN TEMPLES MADE WITH HANDS). NEITHER IS WORSHIPPED WITH MEN’S HANDS AS THOUGH HE NEEDETH ANYTHING–“.

And that in Heb 9:24,it also plainly (now) states—“THAT CHRIST IS NOT ENTERED INTO THE HOLY PLACES MADE WITH HANDS,WGICH ARE THE FIGURE OF THE TRUE. BUT (NOW) INTO HEAVEN ITSELF,(NOW) TO APPEAR IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD FOR US”. The foregoing being (now) so. Why should anyone either attend, or (now) support (any) form of remaining “building worship”? The answer of that one should not. ALL, of the former “earthly building worship” having been totally abolished (Heb Ch 9). To continue ,to either attend or (now) support that which God fulfilled ,and fully abolished at Calvary” ,will end up being both divisive, and schismatic. As so it has ,for those who do so.

Author: Sam Martino