cRomans 16: 16,17,18 Concerning anyone bringing a false teaching or Doctrine, they are not Saved brothers or Christians as some Ignorant preachers teach.

17 Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.

18 For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.

19 For your obedience is come abroad unto all men. I am glad therefore on your behalf: but yet I would have you wise unto that which is good, and simple concerning evil.

God calls it Evil Evil Evil not a Christian lying Brother in Christ that is simply a stupid stupid statement .

A BOOK written by a False teacher on False teachers, using the most 4 Corrupt Bible versions ever, is warning people about the dangers of False Teachers while at the same time Identifying himself as the Top Deceiver and False Teacher... how about that one   His Website is called Inspiredwalk.com     does the following  not sound Cozy   Written by, Stewart Kabakabate  check him out yourself if you doubt it!  Probably the best example I found so far as how Satan is behind these Demonic nutcases . On his Website, under his Statement of Faith, regarding Bible, he cleverly states that He believes that the Word of God is Inspired in the ...here we go again.....The Original manuscripts... when there was never an original manuscript that survived .... another slight of hand trick by a Master Deceiver!



Unless otherwise indicated, all scriptural quotations are from the King James Version of
the Bible.
Scriptures marked NKJV are taken from the NEW KING JAMES VERSION (NKJV):
Scripture taken from the NEW KING JAMES VERSION®. Copyright© 1982 by
Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Scriptures marked ESV are taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, ENGLISH STANDARD
VERSION ® Copyright© 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News
Publishers. Used by permission.
Scriptures marked NIV are taken from the NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION (NIV):
Copyright© 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™. Used by permission of
Scriptures marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation ®,
copyright © 1996, 2004 by Tyndale Charitable Trust. Used by permission of Tyndale


First let me start off with the fact that, I do not believe the Word of God,[KJB} anywhere in the scriptures, teaches that one can be saved by the Devil who is behind every false teaching, yes Satan is the God of this world and the author of all confusion, including all False teachers and perverted scriptures of the False Bible versions. Yes no where in all the Bible can anyone ever find a verse or a teaching that God would [not can] use perversion lies and corruption of his Word, to reach any lost person, and that is a Bible fact. Ask yourself one simple question>>>>>>>>>>>> Why would a Holy God, warn people, through his Word, to avoid and reject false Doctrine that the Holy Spirit did not inspire or write, in order to lead someone to Salvation. The scriptures thousands of times, warns and identifies the eternal dangers of such a position.



One must understand that God never in Holy writ, ever once used a false teaching so I am not impressed, when any so called preacher, make such a ridiculous statement, showing his contempt for the Words of God .. There also is no such Biblical Doctrine that there are Saved Liars and Deceivers, the  Word of God never once ever makes such a claim that the Holy Spirit of Truth, would do such a thing . In fact the very opposite is true, we are warned thousands of times to Avoid and Turn away and reject and Identify and warn others of every false way.   That is a fact.  So I am not the least bit impressed, by anyone who says other. Find me one verse proving this study and false teaching wrong, it cannot be done.

Prepared and researched by; Sam Martino 

Out of 40 Inspired writers of the Scriptures, not once ever, does the Holy spirit allude  to or suggest in any shape or manner, that false teaching. There is no quicker way to go to Hell if one believes a False Doctrine, or lying spirit or wonder. In all 1189 Chapters one will never ever find any example of God using a Lying tongue or Spirit or False teacher, to lead anyone anywhere other than leading them to Hell.

So if you hear anyone and I do not care who it is including some of our great preachers, they are misleading and are puffed up in their flesh. To say that one can be led by a false lying spirit, of a false teacher and or Bible version, is just plain wrong Biblically it cannot be so. Or for that matter, God would use False teachers and False lying Bible versions, he warns us about, to lead anyone to him..... Never ever can that happen. Every writer of the Bible has gave a warning in one way or many, in every chapter of every Book in the Bible. Yes God is very clear regarding Liars and Deceivers, they are never used to bring his Truth, Satan use Liars and False deceptions.

There remains questions, as to what is the fate of a person or ministry that has been deceived by whatever false Doctrines.

Well according to the Word of God, the Bible [KJB} is not silent on this most controversial issue. Not only are those that are providing the false teachings under judgement , but the hearers are as well, and to think for one moment the that the deceived bare no judgement is totally not Biblically sound.

As usual, one must always yield to the Bible for the answer. One cannot deny for one moment that there are hundreds of

warnings all through the scriptures regarding false teachings, whether Jewish or Church, it does not matter.

God has carefully [through the Holy Spirit] provided the exact doctrines and warnings. So it is not an issue of interpretation, but one of Final Authority.

Many Preachers and Bible teachers, have [for whatever reason, either ignorantly or willfully, claim that the Falling away and the warning of the end time conditions, are such that The Time will come when they [ the saved] will not endure sound doctrine, thus just the False Teacher is under the condemnation. That is not only dangerous , but it does not pass the smell test, lets see why this is not Doctrinal sound. Their claim is that, the lost or unsaved, cannot turn from the truth since they have already rejected and are thus lost and therefore, the group being warned or group of people can only be, saved Christians, as they are predominately, trusting and reading the Word etc etc...  This is totally impossible due to the following scriptures and I will attempt to put this into perspective.

But first you should ask yourself these questions

Some Claim that the End Times of which I believe we are Living in, with all the Bible Versions, televangelist, Ministries and what have you, flooding our world are causing mass confusion. believe that this Deception currently upon the World, is only a Danger to those who are the False Teachers and that They will suffer and not their followers. This is a deadly doctrine, with eternally Deadly consequences.

  • Why would God bother at all to  provide so many warnings if there was no danger of the deceived coming into condemnation
  • What purpose would there be to live under such deception, and have no consequences
  • Where in the Scriptures does it ever say or suggest, that only the saved are the fulfillment of these prophecies [ as some Bible teachers claim]
  • Why  would the Holy Spirit, inspire hundreds of warnings regarding the dangers of being deceived, if there are no consequences for those under the  deception
  • Has God made Hundreds of  false warnings thus jeopardizing, those in his body
  • Would God forget to to punish those under the deception
  • Finally where in the Bible would anyone find such doctrinal confusion and scriptures to prove that the end times deceptions are only upon the saved Christians. 
  • How is it possible for the Holy Spirit be so confused as to provide prophetic warnings, and neglect such a danger to the Body of Christ  
  • Has the Holy Spirit [failed ] to be Doctrinally Sound

Here we Go 

Dangers of any false teaching to anyone believer or not

  • Matthew 15:14 Jesus warns of the Blind leading the Blind, both False teacher and his followers!!! they go to Hell 
  • False Doctrine upon anyone believer or not, cause one to Disobey Sound Doctrine as it opposes the Word of God
  • False teachings on anyone, creates Hypocrisy and a Counterfeit Christianity  Disobedience to God
  • Matthew 15:7-9 Honor me with their Lips and their hearts are far from me 
  • False Doctrine causes one to follow men and not God
  • False Doctrines according to Colossians 2{8 says that we be cautious about receiving philosophies of men 
  • False Doctrine leads to Deception and spiritual bondage Galatians 2:4-5
  • False Doctrines lead to a devotion to Devils and his teachings Ephesians 6:12  they are Demonically inspired  
  • False Doctrines create a counterfeit Christ, Another Jesus Another Gospel 
  • False Doctrines encourage Sin and Rebellion against the True Doctrines

This is but a brief summary of literally hundreds of verses, proving that false teachers and their followers deceived are both in condemnation and  in danger of Hells fires.

So in this brief , one should clearly see that the Judgment of God is on both Teacher of the false doctrines and on the ones  being deceived under that false ministry of false teachers regardless of whether you agree or not ... You my friend are not the final authority The Word of God is and yes, if you continue to ignore or protect the false teachers and support their false ministries, you too will fall under the same Judgement as them.

That also includes the False Perverted Bible Versions, over 200 plus with the leader of the pack......The New King James Bible which is Satans Master piece as it masquerades as the  real deal, ........  Use The Time Honored King James Bible .