A study by Harry Wellington, a Bible [King James bible] believer, who has provided a detailed study, on Rightly Dividing the Bible according to the Bibles interpretation , comparing scripture with scripture
This study will cause you to rethink the traditional way we have been falsely taught regarding the divisions in the Bible. Keep an open mind when reading this study but do read it and challenge yourself to face scriptural facts not traditions you been previously taught .
Greetings,in the name of Christ Jesus. My name is Wellington. This will be the 1st,in a series of very unique studies,entitled “THE RIGHTLY DIVIDED BIBLE”.There will be unavoidable opening repetition each time,for those whio may have missed the previous broadcasts.
Today,for perhaps the very first time,you are about to learn,how to,Rightly Divide,our Wrongly Divided Bible. I would like for you to check my scriptural references,so please have a pencil and paper handy,to do so. Let me first state that most,if not all modern day Bibles,are commonly divided into two major divisions,called “THE OLD TESTAMENT,and “THE NEW TESTAMENT”. But as you are about to discover,they have indeed been wrongly so labled. In order to prove that this is so,let us examine the following scriptural facts:
(1). In Hebrews 1:1,2 we are told,”THAT GOD SPOKE AT DIFFERENT TIMES,TO DIFFERENT PEOPLES AND IN DECIDEDELY DIFFERENT MANNERS”. Paul calls this God’s different dispensational programs. Col 1:25, 1 Cor 9:17, Eph 1:10, Eph 3:2.
While it is scripturally stated: “THAT GOD NEVER CHANGES”,and “THAT CHRIST JESUS IS THE SAME,YESTERDAY, TODAY,AND FOREVER”; To deny,that God has,and will continue,to “change His dispensational programs”,throughout the entire Bible, is to deny the God given dispensational divisions,already identified,in Heb 1:1,2.
That the Bible,is indeed a book of “progressive revelations”,is also stated by Christ Jesus in John 16:12,13, where He told His Disciples “I HAVE YET MANY THINGS TO SAY UNTO YOU,BUT YE CANNOT BEAR THEM NOW. HOWBEIT,WHEN HE,THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH IS COME,(that is,at The Jewish Pentecost of Acts Ch 2, HE WILL (thereafter) LEAD YOU INTO ALL TRUTH”! Now to continue the study:
(2). That ALL are to “RIGHTLY DIVIDE THE WORD OF TRUTH”,is stated by Paul,in 2 Tim 2:15,where he instructed ALL bible students. “TO SHOW THYSELF APPROVED UNTO GOD; A WORKMAN,THAT NEEDETH NOT TO BE ASHAMED; RIGHTLY DIVIDING THE WORD OF TRUTH”. The Greek word,for such “RIGHTLY DIVIDING” of The Holy Bible,is ORTHOTOMEO. Which means,TO DRAW A STRAIGHT LINE BETWEEN,the different times,different ways,and different dispensational programs,in Heb 1:1,2. 1:1,2.
(3). In the following verse,the Apostle Paul,tells each and every one of us,(HOW TO) “RIGHTLY DIVIDE THE WORD OF TRUTH”,BY,”DRAWING A STRAIGHT LINE THROUGH”.i.e.,by dispensationally dividing,the following 3,unique,dispensational bodies:
1 Cor 10:32 “GIVE NONE OFFENCE. NEITHER TO “THE JEWS”; NOR TO “THE GENTILES”;NOR TO “THE CHURCH”,OF GOD”. There it is. The Apostle Paul,RIGHTLY DIVIDED THE ENTIRE BIBLE,into three,uniquely different,dispensational bodies,called “THE JEWS”,”THE GENTILES” and “THE CHURCH”. Every word,line,verse,chapter and book,of the entire Bible,is directed (exclusively),to but ONE,of these three unique bodies! So to take what is directed to but ONE,of these 3 unique dispensational bodies. And to either ignorantly or intentionally,”twist it”,to supposedly apply to either of the other two bodies–for which it was never dispensationally intended..Would be to “WRONGLY DIVIDE THE WORD OF TRUTH”,AND inversely,MAKE ONE “AN ASHAMED WORKMAN,DISAPPROVED OF GOD”. So said Paul,in 2 Tim 2:15. Remember this. There can be no possible “Godly merit”,for one to ever “WRONGLY DIVIDING THE WORD OF TRUTH”,and to either ignorantly,or intentionally do so,could only lead,to unavoidable doctrinal error(s). To avoid “WRONGLY DIVIDING OF THE WORD OF TRUTH”,this study will begin to present The Bible, “RIGHTLY DIVIDED, satarting from Adam,in Eden,Gen 1:1,to Moses,atop Mt Sinai,Ex 19:1,8. That is,for the first 2,500 years of recorded biblical history,as follows: (1). The entire world of Adami and Eve’s descendants,were destroyed in the great Noahic flood of Gen Chapters 7,8,and 9. The only survivors of that flood were Noah,his wife,their three sons,Shem,Ham,and Japheth,and their three wives. It is said of the foemer,in Gen 9:19,”THESE ARE THE THREE SONS OF NOAH,AND OF THEM,WAS THE WHOLE EARTH OVERSPREAD”.i.e.following that great global flood of Noah’s day. In Gen 10:5,32 it went on to say–“BY THESE THREE,WERE THE ISLES OF THE GENTILES DIVIDED,IN THEIR LANDS EVERY ONE AFTER THEIR TONGUE,AFTER THEIR FAMILIES,IN THEIR NATIONS. THESE ARE THE FAMILIES OF THE SONS OF NOAH. AFTER THEIR GENERATIONS,IN THEIR NATIONS. AND BY THESE (Gentiles only,in context) WERE THE NATIONS DIVIDED IN THE EARTH,AFTER THE FLOOD”.
There it is. The post flood Earth,was re-populated solely by Gentile,Shem,Ham,and Japheth,and their three Gentile wives. So states Gen 9:18,19,and Gen Ch 10. (2). That the entire earth’s population remained solely Gentiles,for the next 2,500 years of biblical history,may be shown by the following scriptural facts: (a). As we shall later on discover,the Jewish Nation of Israel was not “created”,until Mt Sinai,Ex 19:1-8,and so “THE JEWS”,as a dispensational nation,did not exist,for the first 2,500 years of biblical history! Great truth indeed. Now think about the following fact:.
(b).. The Church,that is,OUR Church of the Mystery of Eph 3:1-10,as Paul so stated,”WAS NOT MADE KNOWN IN AGES PAST”. But,was FIRST revealed,in and through,The Apostle Paul alone,who calls it: “THE DISPENSATION OF THE MYSTERY”,of Eph 3:1-1 and Rom 16:25,26.
(c)..All of the foregoing means. That “THE GENTILES”,were the one and only dispensatonal body “in view”,from Adam in Eden,to Moses,atop Mt Sinai. That is,from Gen 1:1,to Ex 19:1-8. Or for the first 2,500 years of biblical history. Great “dispensational truth” indeed.
(d). Now note this. When he was called,and saved by God,out of the pagan frontier province of Mesopotamia,and the pagan city of Ur of Chaldees. Abrahm,was THEN,a 75 year old,uncircumcised,pagan Gentile. Living with his un-circumcised,pagan,Gentile kinfolk;Joshua Ch 24; Acts Ch 7; and Gal 3:8.
That Covenant,set forth the history of “THE GENTILE CHURCH”;as “THE CALLED OUT ONES”,described by Paul in Acts 15:14. “SIMEON HATH DECLARED,HOW GOD,AT THE FIRST,DID VISIT THE GEN- TILES. (TO TAKE OUT OF THEM (Á PEOPLE) FOR HIS NAME”. That same “Gentile Church”,had “began”,with Gentile Adam and Eve,at Gen Ch 1.
Note: Here,one should understand this. It is not that “GOD (WILL NOT) LIE”,but that “GOD,(CANNOT) LIE”. Thus,when God makes any promise ”it has the effect of law” WHEN MADE. But, oftentimes,God’s “de-jure promise,of law”,does not become “a de-facto reality”,until numerous years,AFTER THE PROMISE WAS FIRST MADE. As an example—:
God’s “de-jure” promise to Gentile Abrahm,made at Gen 12:1,2, “TO MAKE OF ABRAHAM A GREAT NATION”. Did not become “a de-facto reality”,until nearly 430 years later,at Mt Sinai. Why was this so? Let us now examine the following chronological,scriptural facts:
Gentile Abrahm,begat Gentile Isaac,who begat Gentile Jacob,whose name was not changed from Jacob,to Israel,”man of God”. UNTIL ”he wrestled with the angel”,at Gen 32:24-32, 1732 BC.. Thereafter,all of Jacob (Israel’s)offsprings,and their descendants,were referred to as– the (still Gentile) “children of Israel”. And those Gentile “children of Israel”,did not become “The Jewish Nation of Israel”,UNTIL Mt Sinai,Ex 19:1-8. 2,500 years after Adam and Eve were “formed” in The Garden of Eden,Gen Ch 1 & 2.
The Bible states,that Gentile Jacob (Israel),and 70 members of his Gentile kinfolk.Went into 430 years of Egyptian captivity. DURING WHICH TIME,God then and there,created,a solely Gentile (numerical nation) of well over 600,000 Gentile souls,Ex 12:37,38,out of which God,at Mt Sinai,”Called”,and”Created” The Jewish Nation of Israel,as so stated in Acts 15:14
Gentile Abraham,Gentile Isaac,and Gentile Jacob,(he latter,called “Israel”) died centuries before–“the children of Israel” became,”The Jewish Nation of Israel” at Mt Sinai,Ex 19:1-8 Each died “A GENTILE”. Never “having become”,a member of The Jewish Nation of Israel. Nor having been placed “under” The Old Testament,Jewish Covenant,of The- Letter-of-the-law-of-Moses. Which was (first) given to “THE JEWS”,at Mt Sinai. Yes. The Gospel of The Un-circumcision,i.e.The gospel of The Gentiles,”remained in effect”,UNTIL Mt Sinai. When and where it was “replaced by) THE JEWISHS GOSPEL OF THE CIRCUM- CISION”.Note those two different gospels plainly so identified by Paul,in Gal 2:6-10.
“In Closing”
You have just heard the first,of a ten part series,on how to rightly divide,the world’s wrongly divided bible. Remember,what you have heard thus far. That there is not one word of The Old Testament,from Gen 1:1,to Ex 19:1-8, and to so lable these scriptures,as such,is to “WRONGLY DIVIDE THE WORD OF TRUTH”.
In our next study,we will discover why God,(temporarily),set aside “THE GENTILES”,and their unique Gospel of the Un-circumcision,at Mt Sinai,Ex 19:1-8,and dealt solely with “THE JEWS”, for the next 1,500 years,of biblical history,under their unique Old Testament Covenant of Law,and (their) unique Gospel of The Circum- cision. Thank you for listening.
Greetings,in the name of Christ Jesus. My name is Wellington. This will be the 2nd,in a series of little heard dispensational studies entitled:”How To Rightly Divide,The Wrongly Divided Bible,entitled–“The Gospel of The Jews”
What you are about to hear,is indeed “deep meat of the word”. I ask,that you,like The Noble Bereans of Acts 17:11,”WILL RECEIVE THIS WORD,WITH ALL READINESS OF MIND,AND WILL SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES DAILY–to prove that what you are about to hear,is scripturally–so. Or scripturally–not so. .
As stated in my first study,most,if not all modern Bibles,are commonly divided into two major divisions–called The (Old) Testament,and The (New) Testament. But they have been (wrongly) so divided. For example. There is not one word of The (Old) Testament,from Gen 1:1, to Ex 19:8. That is. From Adam,in Eden,to Moses,atop Mt Sinai–or for the first 2,500 years of biblical history. The (Old) Testament,was not given to Moses,UNTIL Mt Sinai,Ex 19:1-8,or. 2,500 years AFTER,God created Adam and Eve,at Gen Ch 1.Therefore,to call any scriptures,The (Old) Testament,from Gen 1:1,to Ex 19:1-8,–for the 1st 2,500 years of biblical history. Would be to “(WRONGLY DIVIDE)–THE WORD OF TRUTH”. Why so? Consider the following: facts.
(1). Until the creation,of the Jewish Nation of Israel,at Mt Sinai,Ex 19:1-8,2,500 years after the Genesis account of Creation. The entire world’s population,consisted solely of GENTILES,and (their) unique Gospel of The Un- circumcision. Gen 9:19, Gen 10:5,32,with Gal 3:6-9.
(2). Thus,Gentile Abraham,begat Gentile Isaac,who begat Gentile Jacob,whose name was changed,at Gen 32:24-32,from Jacob,to Israel–i.e.2,263 years (after) Gen 1:1.
(3). Gentile Jacob,Israel,and 70 of his Gentile followers,went into 430 years of Egyptian captivity. During which time,God created (a solely numerical nation),of well over 600,000 Gentile souls,”out of” Gentile Jacob Israel’s Gentile descendants. Ex12:37.38
(4). And that upon their delivery from 430 years of Egyptian captivity. At Mt Sinai,Ex 19:1-9, God first created The Jewish Nation of Israel (out of) those 600,000 plus,Gentile,”children of Israel”. As it so states,in Acts 15:14,”GOD,AT THE FIRST,DID VISIT THE GENTILES,TO TAKE OUT OF THEM A PEOPLE,FOR HIS NAME”. Now,let us continue with the main subject,of this second study entitled–“THE JEWS”,as follows:
Beginning at Mt Sinai,God chose to (temporarily) set aside “THE GENTILES”–for having once again reached a state “of universal apostasy”.God then chose,”to preserve” His Scriptural Oracles,and His Gen 1:1 started “seed line of faith”,in and through,His newly created Jewish Nation of Israel,and it’s unique Gospel of the Circumcision. See Rom 3:1,2 Rom 9:4,5. Yes. For the next 1,500 years,God would deal solely,in and through “THE JEWS”,or as it was (then) stated “SALVATION,IS OF THE JEWS”,John 4:22. Not now so now of course!
But it is here and now,that we should carefully note. That the four synoptic gospels,of Matt, Mark,Luke,and John–are not (New) Testament,Church Epistles,ascommonly now so labled–but are simply a continuation,of The (Old) Testament,Jewish Gospel of The Circumcision,that began at Mt Sinai. How do we know this is so?
(5). In Heb 9:16,17 it says that “THE (NEW) TESTAMENT”,could not be placed “IN FORCE”,(until) the death of its Testator,Christ Jesus! Christ Jesus did not die (until the end of) Matt,Mark,Luke,and John. Therefore, “THE (NEW) TESTAMENT”,–although paid for in full (de-jure),by Christ’s death at Calvary. Could never become “a de-facto reality” ANY TIME DURING,The Earthly Life,and Ministry of Christ Jesus! So states Heb 9:16,17. Please check these important verses out–for yourself. And remember this: If one were to “follow” (Jewish) Christ Jesus,and His Twelve (Jewish) Apostles,in Matt,Mark,Luke,and John,one would “end up” A Jew,”under” The (Old) Testament Law of Moses. Not (a Christian) ”under” The Dispensation of The Grace of Christ,of Gal 1:6-9.
Now note this. Whatever gospel (Jewish) Christ Jesus and His Twelve (Jewish) Disciples were setting forth,in Matt,Mark,Luke,and John. IT WAS NOT TO BE GIVEN TO ANY GENTILE,as Christ Jesus plainly stated,in Matt 10:5,6, Matt 15:24, Gal 4:4, Rom 15:8.
Why not check these four verses out? Because there are a multitude of professed biblical teachers. Who would either ignorantly,or even intentionally “WRONGLY DIVIDE” those four (Jewish) gospels,to supposedly set forth “Church Truths”,and “Church Programs”–when they do not contain one word,of “Church Truth”,or one word,of “Church Program” As a matter of scriptural fact.(The) Gospel,being set forth in The Four Jewish Gospels of Matt,Mark,Luke,and John,was the strictly Jewish Gospel promised Jewish Christ Jesus,and His Twelve Jewish Apostles,in Luke 1:30-33,and Matt 19:27-30
In 1 Sam Ch 8,The Jews demanded they be given an earthly king,and an earthly kingdom. This was granted by God. Not by His “directive”,but by His “permissive” will,and on God’s “strictly “conditional” terms”. See 1 Kings 9:1-9, Lam 2:6-9. National Israel,quickly “abrogated” those conditional terms. During the reign of their last King Zedekiah,they lost their Kingdom of David,and were taken into 70 years of Babylonian captivity,2 Chron 36:11-21. It was that “lost” earthly.Jewish Kingdom,which caused Christ’s Jewish Apostles to ask,at Acts 1:6 “LORD,WILT THOU AT THIS TIME,(RESTORE AGAIN,THE KINGDOM TO ISRAEL)”? Which of course He did not (then) do.
But is said of this “lost” Jewish Kingdom in Luke 1:31-33 “THOU SHALT CALL HIS NAME JESUS. HE SHALL BE GREAT,AND SHALL BE CALLED THE SON OF THE HIGHEST. (AND THE LORD GOD SHALL GIVE UNTO HIM THE (lost) THRONE OF HIS FATHER DAVID)”. THE JEWS “lost” their earthly king,and their earthly kingdom. Christ Jesus will return,”TO RESTORE AGAIN,THE KINGDOM TO ISRAEL i.e.as Israel’s Eternal King of The Jews. This will be “THE (strictly Jewish) MILLENIAL KINGDOM OF HEAVEN,of Matt 3:1,3,that will be set up by Christ Jesus,for precisely 1,000 years,on planet earth. It will be strictly of,by,and for,Jews.Then and only then,will The New Testament be placed “IN FORCE”,and solely to govern saved,resurrected Jews,who were saved,under The Old Testament Law of Moses. To see that this is so,read Heb 9:15,with Heb 8:6-13, Jer 31:31-34, Matt 19:27-30,Luke 1:30-33, Rev 20:4-6.
In further studies,we will discover how THE GENTILES,and THE CHURCH will “share” in the coming,strictly Jewish,KINGDOM OF THE HEAVENS,over planet earth,for 1,000 years..
But now,let us return,to another dispensational truth,contained in the Old Testament, Jewish epistles,of Matt,Mark,Luke,and John.as they refer to the so-called Great Commiss- ion of Matt 28:19,20, Mark 16:15,16. Which we are about to discover,was not the marching orders to “start our Church”,by “GOING TO” the entire Gentile world at large. But was simply a “re-starting” of the strictly Jewish Kingdom of Heaven Commission,of Matt 10:1-8,temporarily suspended by Christ Jesus,at Matt 16:20.
Why go only to Jews,and no Gentiles? Because The Gentiles,had been temporarily set aside, at Mt Sinai,for their universaì apostasy. And from Mt Sinai onward,God’s oracles,and God’s salvation,would only be found in and through,The Jewish Nation of Israel. Yes. From Mt Sinai ownward,a Jew could not “keep company with”,”nor come unto” one of another nation,Acts 10:28. But a Gentile,could then “come to a Jew”,to become a Gentile proselyte to Israel’s Judahism. As did the Ethiopian eunuch,at Acts 8:26-40. That Jewish “law of separation”,of Jews from all Gentiles,of Lev Ch 20,was still very much “in effect”,during the four Old Testament Jewish Gospels,of Matt,Mark,Luke,and John. So said Jesus,in Matt 10:5,6, and Matt 15:24.
At Matt 16:20,Christ’s earthly Jewish ministry,was temporarily suspended,so that He could prepare Himself,for His imminent death at Calvary. Please check this verse out very carefully. We shall next discover,that upon His resurrection,Christ Jesus “re-started” His Jewish Kingdom of Heaven Gospel,of Matt 10:1-8, He had temporarily suspended,at Matt 16:20. A subject I will cover in much greater detail,in my next study. .
“In closing”
You have just heard the second part,in a series of dispensational studies,on How To Rightly Divide,Our Wrongly Divided Bible. Remember what you have heard,thus far. That there is not one word of The Old Testament,from Gen 1:1 to Ex 19:8,that is,from Adam in Eden,to Moses,atop Mt Sinai–and to so label these scriptures,as The Old Testament,is to “WRONGLY DIVIDE THE WORD OF TRUTH”,contrary to 2 Tim 2:15.
In this study,we have already discovered,that Matt,Mark,Luke,and John’s gospels,are not New Testament,Church Gospels,but are simply a continuation,of The OldTestamnmet–directed solely to “THE JEWS” –and that to attempt to teach Churchtruths,and Church programs,out of these strictly Jewish Gospels,will assuredly lead to “THE WRONGLY DIVIDING,OF THE WORD OF TRUTH”. Thank you for listening.
“THE GOSPEL OF THE JEWS” (cont. Tape 3
Greetings,in the name of Christ Jesus. My name is Wellington. This will be the 3rd,in an on- going series of ten studies, entitled,”The Rightly Divided Bible”. Perhaps,for the first time,you are about to hear,how to Rightly Divide,our Wrongly Divided Divided Bible. This wilì be,strong meat of the word. Please have pencil,and paper handy,to check my scriptural references.
Now.to continue this study:
Most,if not all,modern day Bibles,are divided into two familiar books; i.e.The Old Testament, and The New Testament,but as you are about to discover,they have indeed been thereby Wrongly Divided. In my previous two studies,I have presented the following indisputable,dispensational facts.
(1). That there is not one word of The Old Testament,from Gen 1:1,to Ex 19:1-8.That is from Adam,in Eden,to Moses,atop Mt Sinai.or for the first 2,500 years of biblical history. And to label these scriptures,as such,is to Wrongly Divide The Word of Truth.
(2). That while it is true,that God never changes,and,Christ Jesus is the same,yesterday,today,and forever. God did,and does,speak at different dispensational times,to different dispensationaì bodies,anä in different dispensational ways.That this so,is plainly so stated in Heb 1:1,2. .
(3).That until the creation of The Jewish Nation of Israel at Mt Sinai,Ex 19:1-8,all mankind were solely Gentiles,and the only gospel being set forth from Adam to Moses, was The Gospel of the Un-circumcision. See Gen 9:19,Gen Ch 10,as compared with Gal 3:8.
(4). That Abraham,Isaac,and Jacob,were born,and died as Gentiles,centuries before,The Jewish Nation of Israel,was first created,at Mt Sinai,Deut 4:1-8,Deut 5:1-4,Joshua 24:1,2, Acts 7:1-8, Rom 4:9-12. They never became members,of The Jewish Nation of Israel. Nor,were they ever placed under,The Old Testament Covenant of The Law of Moses, which was first given to Moses,atop Mt Sinai,at Ex 19:1-8.
(5). That no one,could be called “an Israelite”,until Gen 32:24-32. 2263 years after,the creation of Adam and Eve,when Jacob wrestled with The Angel of God,and God, then and there changed Jacob’s name, from Jacob,to Israel.
(6).That during their 430 years of Egyptian captivty. God,according to His Genesis Ch 17 Covenant of promise with Gentile Abraham. Made A GENTILE NUMERICAL NATIONONLY,out of the 600.000 GENTILE DESCENDANTS OF JACOB,ISRAEL.Ex 12:37-40,and that at Mt Sinai,Ex 19:1-8,God created,The Jewish Nation of Israel,out of, those 600,000 newly delivered,Gentile descendants,of Jacob,Israel. Or as it states,in Acts 15:14 “GOD,AT THE FIRST,DID VISIT THE GENTILES,TO TAKE OUT OF THEM A PEOPLE FOR HIS NAME”.
7. It was at Mt Sinai,2,500 years after Adam,that God chose to (temporarily) set aside “THE GENTILES”,for having once again became universally apostate,”AS IT WAS IN THE (pre- flood) DAYS OF NOAH”. At Mt Sinai,and for the next 1,500 years of biblical history,God chose to “transfer” the keeping of His Oracles,and His Divine Salvation Gospel Message,from “THE GENTILES”,and their Gospel of the Un-circumcison. To “THE JEWS”,and their unique Gospel of The Circumcision.
Note those two,different dispensational gospels,as set forth by Paul,in Gal 2:6-10 But now,let us continue this study,where we left off in Study #2;where we were beginning to discover,the strictly Jewish scope,of the so called Great Commission of Matt 28:19,20, Mark 16:15-18.
Remember,that we found earlier,in Matt 16:20,that Christ Jesus “temporarily suspended” His (strictly Jewish) Kingdom of Heaven gospel,given to His 12 Jewish disciples at Matt 10:1-8 as follows: “THEN CHARGED HE HIS DISCIPLES,THAT THEY SHOULD TELL NO MAN THAT HE WAS JESUS,THE CHRIST” Which of course (was) the Jewish gospel message,and it had included,the solely
Jewish ritual,of water baptism,of Matt 1:1-3,AND,the strictly Jewish sign gifts of Matt 10:7,8,as they would later on “re-appear”,at Matt 28:19,20, Mark 16:15-18. :
It is here,and now,that we should ask,and answer,the following questions,that will prove,beyond any doubt,the strictly Jewish scope,of the so called Great Commission of Matt 28:19,20, Mark 16:15-18.
Question #1. To which one of these three dispensational bodies,was Jewish Christ Jesus (only) “SENT”? i.e. To–THE GENTILES?– THE JEWS?,–or THE CHURCH? Listen carefully to Christ’s answer in Matt 10:5,6 “GO NOT INTO THE WAY OF THE GENTILES–BUT GO RATHER,TO THE LOST SHEEP OF THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL”. Matt 15:24 “I AM NOT SENT,BUT UNTO THE LOST SHEEP OF THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL”
Question #2. How did the (resurrected) Christ Jesus ”re-commission” His Jewish Apostles,at John 19:21,and Matt 28:19,20, Mark 16:15-18? Listen carefully to the risen Christs answer at John 20:21. “(AS) MY FATHER HATH SENT ME,i.e. To no Gentile,but only to The Jews .(EVEN SO),SEND I YOU”.
Yes. At the so-called Great Commission of Matt 28:19,20, Mark 16:15-18,the newly risen Christ Jesus,simply “re-started” His “temporarily suspended”,Jewish Kingdom of Heaven Comm- missi,of Matt 10:1-8. Including (its) strictly Jewish rituals of water baptism.of Matt3:1-3,and its strictly Jewish sign gifts,of the Jewish eliever,of Matt 10:7,8. The world,at large,has been taught to “Wrongly Divide”,the strictly Jewish gospels of Matt,Mark, Luke,and John,and their so-called Great Commission of Matt 28:19,20, Mark 16:15-18. This,has led to grave doctrinal errors,and the multitude,of undispensational denominations,that teach them.
The Roman Catholic Church,has long proclaimed itself to be “THE CHURCH”,which Christ Jesus started at Matt Ch 16,that was built upon,the Apostle Peter’s,so-called “good confession” of Matt 16:16. When in response to Christ’s question of” “BUT WHOM SAY (YE) THAT I AM”? Peter replied: “THOU ART THE CHRIST, THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD”. But it was there that “a Greek play upon words” occured. In pointing to Peter,Christ said. “THOU ART PETER i.e.”THOU ART PETROS”,a small stone or pebble,e.g. John 1:42. But Christ then said:.”UPON THIS ROCK,I WILL (future tense) BUILD MY CHURCH”,and the word for “ROCK” was then changed to that of “PETRA”,with Christ referring to Himself as ”THE ETERNAL ROCK OF AGES” Or as it says in 2 Sam 22:32,47. “FOR WHO IS A ROCK,SAVE OUR LORD”?
In Matt Ch 16,Christ is neither stating,nor inferring,that He would “build His Church on Peter’s (socalled) good confession”. And that may be “doctrinally concluded”,as follows:
(1). Peter,was not even “converted”,until Luke 22:32,with John 19:10. UNTIL He,and John,looked into the open faced;100 pound plus ( unwrapped cacoon of grave wrappings),that no.longer contained Christ’s Body! It was not until that moment,that Peter and John,then believed,in Christ’s having foretold them,of His pending death,burial,and resurrecton,e,g,of Matt 16:21,etc.
(2). Although Peter “had confesed once’,that Christ Jesus was Israel’s Messiah,at Matt 16:16. Peter later on “denied Christ Jesus three times”,at Matt 26:69-75.
(3). That Peter’s Matt 16:16 confession,of Christ,as Israel’s Messiah,was soley that of Peter’s mouth,and not that of Peter’s heart,is shown in that same Matt Ch 16 “scene”,as follows: In Matt 16:21,Christ foretold of His pending death,at Calvary,i.e.according to the well known Old Testament,Messianic prophecies,of Ps Ch 22, and Isa Ch 53. But Peter “rebuked” Christ’s foregoing words of Matt 16:21,thus “denying” Christ’s (stated) Messianic Mission of vs 21. And to which rebuke and denial,Christ Jesus then said to Peter,in the next verse (23): “GET THEE BEHIND ME SATAN. THOU ART AN OFFENCE UNTO ME. FOR THOU SAVOUREST NOT THE THINGS WHICH BE OF GOD,BUT THOSE THAT BE OF MEN”. Hardly the words one would say. To one who had (supposedly) just made “a good confession”,verbally affirming his belief in Christ’s Messiaship,at vs 14. That Christ’s Church,could never have be built on any other “foundation”,than Christ Jesus. Was later so stated (by then saved Peter) in 1 Pet 2:4-9; and by also by Paul,in Eph 2:19,20,where “THE FOUNDATION OF THE APOSTLES (is said to be Christ Jesus–not the Apostles–as some would wrongly so read–1 Cor 3:11.
(5).”THE KEYS,OF THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN”,given (equally) to all Jewish Apostles at Matt 16:19,were “the keys” to the (opening) of The Jewish Millenial Kingdom of The Heavens Gospel,given solely to National Israel. See Isa 22:22,with Matt 3:1-3, 10:5,6,15:24. The power,to “remit or retain others sins”,of those “keys”. was simply the delegated power TO PROCLAIM,that which accepted,or rejected,would in and of itself, “remit,or retain one sins”. Amos 3:8 “THE LORD HATH SPOKEN.WHO CAN BUT PROPHESY”. i.e.Who,can but “repeat it?
In Gal 2:6-9,after a heated meeting between Peter,James,and John,the following dispensational dividing,of their (two dispensational gospels),was resolved,as follows: Please check this out,for yourself,very carefully!
AND WHEN PETER,JAMES,AND JOHN,PERCEIVED THE GRACE,THAT WAS GIVEN UNTO ME AND BARNABAS. THEY GAVE TO ME AND BARNABAS THE RIGHT HAND OF FELLOWSHIP. Here it comes–“THAT WE SHOULD GO UNTO THE GENTILES,AND THEY UNTO THE JEWS”. (Go to). BUT. Only with The Strictly Jewish (Gospel of). Yes,there they are. Two entirely different,dispensational gospels! The Gospel (of) The Un-circumcision, AND,The Gospel (of) the Circumcision.
It was,at that historic dispensational point in time and place; that Peter,James,and John,agreed to confine,their oral and written ministry,solely to “THE JEWS”,and their strictly Jewish,Gospel of the Circumcision. While Paul,and Barnabas,agreed to confine their oral and written ministry solely to “THE GENTILES”,and their strictly Gentile Gospel of the Un-circumcision. Rome,chose to follow the wrong Apostle,i.e. Peter,and thereafter,set forth the Word of God,Wrongly Divided. We,are to follow Paul,the Apostle of the Gentiles,as so stated,in 1 Cor 11:1,1 Cor 4:16,Phil 3:17,1 Thess 1:6,Rom 13:16. Thank you,for listening.
“THE GOSPEL OF THE JEWS” (cont.) Tape #4 Greetings,in the name of Christ Jesus. My name is Wellington. This will be the 4th,in a series,of dispensational studies,entitled,The Rightly Divided Bible.Today,perhaps for the first time,you will hear how to Rightly Divide our Wrongly Divided Bible. These studies will contain,deep meat of the word. Please have pencil and paper handy,to check my scriptural references.
* * *
Most,if not all modern day bibles,are divided into The Old Testament,and The New Testament. But as you are about to discover,they have been wrongly so divided. For example: (1). There is not one word of The Old Testament,from Gen 1:1,to Ex 19:8,that is,from Adam,in Eden,to Moses, atop Mt Sinai,for the first 2,500 years,of biblical history. So to “label” those scriptures as The Old Testament, i.e.,from Gen 1:1,to Ex 19:1-8. Would at best be a misnomer,and would be “TO WRONGLY DIVIDE THE WORD OF TRUTH”,according to 2 Tim 2:15. Though God “never changes”,and Christ Jesus is “the same”, yesterday,today,and forever. To deny,that God did,and does, “SPEAK AT DIFFERENT DISPENSATION- AL TIMES. TO DIFFERENT DISPENSATIONAL BODIES. AND IN DIFFERENT DISPENSATIONAL MANNERS”,is to deny Heb 1:1,2–where it states that very thing.
(3). In 1st Cor 10:32,Paul,tells each and every bible student, “how to” “RIGHTLY DIVIDE”,these different dispensational times and different,dispensational bodies,and their different,dispensational programs,as follows:
“GIVE NONE OFFENCE. NEITHER TO “THE JEWS”,NOR TO “THE GENTILES NOR TO “THE CHURCH”, OF GOD”. There it is. Note it carefully. Paul stated that word,line,verse, chapter,and book,in the entire bible,is directed to but one of these three,unique,dispensational bodies;THE JEWS”,”THE GENTILES” or “THE CHURCH”. If one were to take,any word,line,verse,chapter,or book,which is directed to (but one),of thesethree,unique,dispensational bodies. And either ignorantly,or intentionally,”twist it”,to supposedly apply to one of the other two bodies–for which it was never dispensationally intended. Then,one will surely,end up,WRONGLY DIVIDING THE WORD OF TRUTH”. According to 2 Tim 2:15,one would then,end up,”AN ASHAMED WORKMAN,DISAPPROVED OF GOD”. In this regard,let me now repeat some of the dispensational truths,mentioned in my previous studies–that should help you,and others,”TO RIGHTLY DIVIDE,our “WRONGLY DIVIDED BIBLE”.:
(1), The entire world’s population,for the first 2,500 years of biblical history from Adam in Eden,to Moses atop Mt Sinai,were solely Gentiles. See Gen 9:19,with Gen 10:5,32,to prove,that this is so.
(2). The gospel,being set forth,for the first 2,500 years of Gentile biblical history,was thus: The Gospel of the Un-circumcision”. See Rom Ch 4,and Gal Ch 3.
(3). When he was called,and saved by God,at Gen Ch 12,Abrahm was (then),a 75 year old,un-circumcised,pagan Gentile,living with his uncircumcised,pagan Gentile kinfolk,in the pagan frontier province of Mesapotamia,in UR of Chaldees, See Joshua 24:1,2, Acts 7:1-15.Then– (4). Gentile Abrahm,begat Gentile Isaac,who begat Gentile Jacob,whose name was changed from Jacob,to “Israel”,at Gen 32:24-32. Remember this. That no human being could have been called an “Israelite”,until that time. i.e. 2.263 years,after Adam was formed,at Gen Ch 1.
(5). Gentile Jacob,i.e.”Israel”,and 70 of his Gentile descendants–went into 430 years,of Egyptian captivity. During which time,(according to God’s earlier covenant with Gentile Abraham,at Gen Ch 12),God created A GENTILE,NUMERICAL NATION,OF WELL OVER 600,000,GENTILE SOULS. See Gen 12:37-40.
(6). It was “out of” these,newly delivered,600,000 GENTILE SOULS,at Mt Sinai,Ex 19:1-8,that God (first) created His Jewish Nation,of Israel,Deut 5:1-4. Why did He do so?
“FOR AS IT WAS,IN THE PRE-FLOOD DAYS OF NOAH”,the entire Gentile world,had onceagain,reached a state,of universal apostasy,e.g.Rom 1:21-23. So. At Mt Sinai, 2,500 years after the creation of Adam and Eve,at Mt Sinai. God chose
to temporarily,set aside,The Gentiles,and their Gospel,of the Un-circumcision.and commit His Oracles,and His salvation message,solely to His newly created,Jewish Nation of Israel,and their unique Gospel of the Circumcision. God’s “gospel order”,would there dispensationally change. From that of–“TO THE GENTILES,AND NO JEWS”,–“TO THE JEWS,AND NO GENTILES”. See John 4:22,Matt 10:5,6, Matt 15:24, Acts 10:28. Rom 3:1,3, Rom 9:4,5. Please read each one of those related verses.
* * *
At this time,it would be well to go back to 1st Sam Ch 8,where THE JEWS arbitrarily demanded of God,to be given an earthly king,and an earthly kingdom. God warned Israel not to set up that earthly kingdom. And when they insisted. God,by His “permissive”,and not His “directive” will (permitted) Israel,to do so. Contrary to much false teaching. The continuation of Israel’s earthly kingdom was always “strictlyonditional”,i.e.“(IF) THOU SHALT KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS”. That this is so,read 1 Kings 9:1-9, Lam 2:6-9. National Israel’s 1st King Saul,quickly broke those Godly conditions,as did Israel’s last King Zedekiah. Whose rebellion against God,caused the Nation of Israel,to go into,70 years,of Babylonian captivity. This,caused National Israel’s,earthly kingdom,to thereafter cease. As so stated,in Hos 3:4,5 “FOR THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL SHALL ABIDE MANY DAYS, WITHOUT A KING,AND WITHOUT A PRINCE,AND WITHOUT A SACRIFICE,AND WITHOUT AN IMAGE,AND WITHOUT AN EPHOD,AND WITHOUT TEREPHIM. This first occured at 2 Chron 36:11-21,with Israel’s 70 years of Babylonian captivity. THE JEWS,have thus been without a king,and without a kingdom,even to this day,and were governed by prophets and judges,from 624 B.C,until the birth of Jewish Christ Jesus,at Matt Ch 1. There was ”a four-hundred year gap”,in Jewish canonical history. From the end of Malachi,until Matt Ch 1. But to continue with this study: Here,it is of the utmost importance to note,that the four synoptic gospels of Matt,Mark,Luke,and John ARE NOT New Testament Church epistles,as commonly so labled,but are simply a continuation,of Jewish Old Testament scriptures,temporarily suspended,for 400 years,between Malachi,and Matt Ch 1. How do we know that this is so? Listen carefully to Heb 9:16,17.”FOR WHERE A TESTAMENT IS THERE MUST ALSO,OF NECESSITY,BE THE DEATH OF THE TESTATOR. FOR A TESTAMENT,S OF FORCE,(AFTER) MEN ARE DEAD. OTHERWISE,IT IS OF NO STRENGTH AT ALL,WHILE THE TESTATOR LIVETH”. There it is. Please read Heb 9:16,17,and understand it! * * *
The New Testament,or New Will,was indeed “paid for in full”,by Christ Jesus at Calvary. But remember this. A Will,can only be placed “IN FORCE” (after) the will makerdies! Christ Jesus,the (maker) of The New Testament Will. Did not “die”,until the end of the four,synoptic gospels,of Matt,Mark,Luke,and John. Therefore,one must doctrinally conclude.That His New Testament Will,could not possibly have been placed “IN FORCE” (any timeduring),His Life and earthly ministry. Thus,to “lable” any portion of Christ’s Life or Ministry,of Matt,Mark,Luke,and John,as (NEW TESTAMENT,CHURCH EPISTLES). Would be–“TO WRONGLY DIVIDE,THE WORD OF TRUTH”,and could only result in grave,dispensational,and doctrinal,errors. That Matt, Mark,Luke,and John,are indeed Old Testament,Jewish epistles,and not New Testament,Church epistles,is also shown,by Christ’s words,to His Jewish Apostles,of Matt 10:5,6,and Matt 15:24 “THESE TWELVE,JESUS SENT FORTH,AND COMMANDED THEM SAYING: GO NOT INTO THE WAY OF THE GENTILES BUT GO RATHER,TO THE LOST SHEEP OF THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL”. Why so? “I WAS NOT SENT,BUT UNTO THE LOST SHEEP,]] THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL. IT IS NOT RIGHT,TO TAKE THE CHILDREN’S (Jewish Gospel) BREAD,AND CAST IT UNTO GENTILE DOGS”–in context.
Yes. The Gospel being preached by Christ Jesus,in the strictly Jewish epistlesof Matt,Mark, Luke,and John. Was The Gospel of The Jewish Davidic,Kingdom of Heaven,of Matt 3:1-3, Luke 1:30-33, Heb 8:6-13,Jer 31:31-34..Which was. That God would never permit Israel to lack a King,to sit on the Jewish Throne of David. The Jews,had lost their earthly king,and their earthly kingdom,but as it states,in Luke 1:30:31-33 “THOU SHALT BRING FORTH A SON,AND THOU SHALT CALL HIS NAME JESUS,AND THE LORD GOD,SHALL GIVE UNTO HIM,THE (millinial),THRONE,OF HIS FATHER DAVID. AND (HE) SHALL REIGN OVER THE (Jewish) HOUSE OF ISRAEL,FOREVER; AND OF HIS KINGDOM,THERE SHALL BE NO END”.
There it is. The Gospel,of The Kingdom of Heaven,being set forth,by Jewish Christ Jesus,and His Twelve Jewish Apostles,in the Jewish epistles,of Matt,Mark.Luke,and John. It was solely a Jewish ,(millenial) Kingdom of Heaven gospel,not to be given to any Gentile. It will be the promised 1,000 year,millenial,New Testament earthly reign of Christ Jesus,over planet earth. When His Twelve Jewish Apostles,will set on Twelve,Jewish Thrones,judging The Twelve Tribes,of Israel. See. Matt 19:27-30,with Heb 8:6-13,Jer 31:31,to see that this is so. The (millenial) New Testament,will be used solely “to govern” those saved,resurrected,Jews,who were “saved under” their,Old Testament.Covenant of Law. See Heb 9:15,to see that this,is true.
And now to answer a very important scriptural question? Did God set aside The Jews,and their Jewish Gospel of the Circumcision,for what they did,to their Jewish Messiah,at Calvary?
No.With His dying breath,Christ Jesus,(as Israel’s Highest Priest),uttered the following intercessory prayer,for National Israel,at Luke 23:34 “FATHER,FORGIVE THEM,FOR THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO”. This,Jesus did,according to the Old Testament Jewish Law of Ignorance,of Num 15:28,”AND THE PRIEST SHALL MAKE AN ATONEMENT FOR THE SOUL,THAT SINNETH IGNORANTLY,–AND IT SHALL BE FORGIVEN HIM”.
Christ said,in His Messianic Ps 35:13 “MY PRAYER,RETURNED TO MINE OWN BOSOM”,and being “IMMANUEL,GOD WITH US”,was immediately granted by Him. As we shall discover,in our next study. Because of Christ’s Intercessory Prayer. National Israel,would be granted a period,of Divine Amnesty (covered by the entire Jewish Book of Acts),when Israel’s slain Messiah,would once again be re-offered,solely to “THE JEWS”,as National Israel’s resurrected Messiah! Thank you for listening.
“THE GOSPEL OF THE JEWS” (cont. ) Tape #5
Greetings in the name of Christ Jesus. My name is Wellington. This will be the fifth,in a series of ten,seldom heard,dispensational studies,entitled “THE RIGHTLY DIVIDED BIBLE”. Today,perhaps for the first time,you will discover how to “RIGHTLY DIVIDE”,our “WRONGLY DIVIDED BIBLE”. Please have pencil and paper handy,so that you can “check me out”,even as The Noble Bereans “checked Paul,and all others out”,at Acts 17:11. In my previous four studies,I have attempted to “RIGHTLY DIVIDE”,the entire Old Testament. We have found thus far:
(1). That even though God never changes,and that Christ Jesus is the same,yesterday,today,and forever. That God did,and does,deal at different times,with different peoples,and in decidedly different manners. See Heb 1:1,2,and John 16:12-13.to prove that the Bible is indeed a book of progressive revelations.
(2). That the entire human race,from Adam,until God created The Jewish Nation of Israel at Mt Sinai,were Gentiles. See Gen 19:9,and Gen 10:5,32 to prove that this was so.
(3). That when he was called of God,Abrahm,was a 75 year old,unsaved,uncircumcised,pagan Gentile. See Joshua 24:1,2, Acts 7:1-8,to prove that this was so.
(4). That God Promised to give saved Gentile,then un-circumcised Abrahm,The Promised Land,in Gen Ch 12. 430 years (before) The Jewish Nation Israel was first created at Mt Sinai. See Gal 3:16-18,that this was so.
(4). That when 99 year old,saved Gentile Abrahm,received The Covenant of Circumcision,at Gen Ch 17; it was not to then and there “start” The Jewish Nation of Israel; but was “A SIGN,AND A SEAL,OF THE RIGHT- EOUSNESS OF THE (Gentile) FAITH,WHICH ABRAHAM HAD–BEING YET UNCIRCUMCISED”. See Rom Ch 4,and Gal Ch 3,to prove that this is so.
(5). That no human being,could be called “AN ISRAELITE”,until Gentile Jacob wrestled with the angel of God,and God then,and there changed Jacob’s name,from Jacob,to Israel. See Gen 32:24-32,to see this was so.
(6). That at Gen Ch 12,God promised He would “MAKE OF (Gentile) ABRAHAM,AND OF ABRAHAM’S (Gentile descendants),A GREAT NATION”.
(7). That God’s Covnenant of Promise,of Gen Ch 12,with Gentile Abraham,did not occur until 430 years later. When Gentile Abraham,begat Gentile Isaac,who begat Gentile Jacob. Whose name was changed to Gentile “Israel”. Gentile Jacob,or Israel,and 70 of his Gentile kinfolk,went into 430 years of Egyptian captivity. During which 430 year captivity,God created A NUMERICAL NATION OF WELL OVER 600,000 GENTILE SOULS. See Ex 12:37-40,to prove that this was so.
It was “out of” these 600,000 plus newly delivered Gentile souls,that God called and created The Jewish Nation of Israel,at Ex 19:1-8. Or as Simeon declared in Acts 15:14. “GOD,AT THE FIRST,DID VISIT THE GENTILES,TO TAKE OUT OF THEM A PEOPLE,FOR HIS NAME”.
(8). It was at Mt Sinai,that God chose to temporarily set aside “THE GENTILES” and the “GOSPEL OF THE CIRCUMCISION CIRCUMCISION”,for having once again reached a state of universal apostasy–“AS IT WAS IN THE (pre-flood) DAYS OF NOAH”,and to entrust His Oracles,and His salvation,solely to THE JEWS for the next 1,500 years of biblical history.
(9). We discovered also,that Matt,Mark,Luke,and John,are not New Testament,Church Epistles,but were simply a continution of Old Testament,Jewish Epistles.See Heb 9:16,17,Matt 10:5,6,Matt 15:24,Gal 4:4,and Rom 5:8,to prove that this was so.
(10). We also discovered,that at Matt 16:20,Christ Jesus (temporarily) suspended His Strictly Jewish Kingdom of Heaven Gospel,of Matt 10:1-8,in preparation for His pending death at Calvary. And that the so called Great Commission of Matt
28:19,29, Mark 16:15-18,was not Christ’s marching orders to “START OUR MYSTERY CHURCH”,by evangelizing the entire Gentile world. But was simply “a re-starting” of His (temporarily suspended) Jewish Kingdom of Heaven Gospel of Matt 10:1-8,and just to all dispersed Jews in all nations–as it (had been),at Matt 10:5,6, Matt 15:24.
* * *
But now,let us continue “RIGHTLY DIVIDING THE WORD OF TRUTH”,by turning to what we will discover,is The Strictly Jewish Book of Acts! Much dispensational error,has resulted from setting forth of The Book of Acts,as the birthplace of “OUR CHURCH”,at the Pentecost of Acts Ch 2. There was indeed “A CHURCH”,in view,at the strictly Jewish Pentecost Acts Ch 2,but it was not “OUR CHURCH OF THE MYSTERY,of Eph 3:1-10,Rom 16:25,26; but was “THE 7 ASIATIC JEWISH CHURCHES”,of Rev 1:11,started by Moses at Mt Sinai. See Acts 7:38,and Acts 15:21,to prove that this was so.
Carefully notice,in Acts 1:6,that the Jewish Apostles,who had just been given the Great Commission,of Matt 28:19,20, Mark 16:15-18, to supposedly “GO UNTO ALL THE THEN KNOW GENTILE NATIONS,AND PREACH THE GOSPEL”–obviously,knew of no such gospel order–when they asked of the risen Christ Jesus. “LORD,WILT THOU AT THIS TIME RESTORE AGAIN THE KINGDOM TO ISRAEL”? A strange question indeed.if they had just been commissioned.”to start out Mysterious Church”,beginning at the annual Jewish Pentecost of Acts Ch 2. Later on,in our continuing study of Acts,we will discover the strictly Jewish scope of the so called Great Commission,Christ’s Apostles received,at Matt 28:19,20 and Mark 16:15-18.
It is here that we should carefully note. That those attending the strictly Jewish Pentecost,of Acts Ch 2,were “DEVOUT JEWS,OUT OF EVERY NATION UNDER HEAVEN”–and their Gentile proselytes to Judahism. See Acts 2:8-11,to prove that this was so. Notice further,that the Pentecostal message was directed solely to:the following Jews,and Gentile proselytes to Judahism:
Acts 2:22 “YE MEN OF ISRAEL”.
Acts 3:12 “YE MEN OF ISRAEL”.
Yes,the gospel message at the annual Jewish Pentecost of Acts Ch 2,was directed solely to “THE JEWS”,and their Gentile proselytes to Judahism. The “tongues” described in Acts 2:4,were not “unintelligble gibberish”,but were the 15 different native languages,spoken by the Jews,and their Gentile proselytes to Judahism–i.e. Acts 2:6,8 “–EVERY MAN HEARD THEM SPEAK,IN HIS OWN LANGUAGE–AND HOW HEAR WE EVERY MAN,IN HIS OWN TONGUE,WHEREIN WE WERE BORN. Acts 2:9-11,lists those “fifteen foreign languages”,being spoken by the 12 Jewish Apostles,at The Jewish Pentecost of Acts Ch 2.
Again,carefuly note,that Acts 2:16,describes precisely what was taking place,at The Jewish Pentecost of Acts Ch 2,as follows:
“THIS,IS THAT,WHICH WAS SPOKEN BY THE (Old Testament,Jewish) PROPHET JOEL”,i.e.in Joel Ch 2. In other words; “THIS”,which was taking place at the annual Jewish Pentecost of Acts Ch 2,was solely “THAT” concerning “THE JEWS”,prophesied history.
Now carefully note. That in Eph 3:1-10,and Rom 16:25,26. Paul said. that (our) Church,is A MYSTERIOUS CHURCH,”WHICH WAS KEPT SECRET,SINCE THE WORLD BEGAN”,”WHICH IN OTHER AGES (including Joe’s age),WAS NOT MADE KNOW UNTO THE SONS OF MEN”–and–“WHICH FROM THE BEGINNING,HATH BEEN HID IN GOD”.Not hid in the book of Joel.
Yes. Pentecost Acts Ch 2,concerned National Israel’s prophesied history. But Paul said that “Our Church”–is an unprophesied Mystery. Positive proof,that Our Mystery Church,of Eph 3:1-10, and Rom 6:25,26,could not possibly have in view,at the strictly Jewish Pentecost,of Acts Ch 2.
In Joel,Ch 2,and Acts Ch 2,we find the prophecy concerning the Pentecostal pouring out of The Holy Spirit HolySpirit,upon “THE JEWS”–up to Acts 2:18. But then,Joel refers to National Israel’s final,Great Tribulation Days,for the next three verses 19,20,and 21. National Israel,would reject the outpouring of the Holy Spirit during the remainder of The Jewish Book of Acts. Then would come The Dispensation of our Mystery Church, of an undeterminate length. Upon our being removed from planet earth,by our secret rapture,1 Thess 4:13-17, God will then (complete) that concerning Israel’s “last days”,as set forth in Acts 2:19-21.
Joel,foresaw National Israel’s dispensational future,beginning at Acts 2:17. Joel,foresaw National Israel’s final days,in Acts 2:19-21. Joel,did not foresee Our Mystery Church Age–in between Acts 2:17,and Acts 2:19-21. Why not? As stated earlier—Our Mystery Church was “KEPT SECRET,SINCE THE WORLD BEGAN”,AND WAS NOT MADE KNOWN UNTO THE SONS OF MEN (including Joel) IN AGES PAST”.
Our Mystery Church,was only first revealed,to,and through,the Apostle Paul,according to Eph 3:1-10,and Rom 16:25,26–and Paul,was not even saved,until nearly eight years after–The Jewish Pentecost of Acts Ch 2. In my next study,#6,we will continue to “RIGHTLY DIVIDE”,the strictly Jewish Book of Acts. Thank you for listening.
“THE GOSPEL OF THE JEWS” (cont. ) Tape #6
Greetings in the name of Christ Jesus. My name is Wellington. This will be the 6th,in a series of seldom heard dispensational studies entitled How to Rightly Divide Our Wrongly Divided Bible”.Thus far,we have discovered the following dispensational facts..:
(1). That although God never changes; and Christ Jesus is the same,yesterday,today,and forever. God did,and does,changes His “dispensational programs”. As stated in Heb 1:1,2 “GOD,WHO AT DIFFEREN TMES,AND IN DIFFERENT MANNERS,SPAKE IN TIME PAST UNTO THE FATHERS. HATH IN THESE LAST DAYS SPOKEN UNTO US BY HIS SON”. And as The Son said in John 16:12,13, “I HAVE YET MANY THINGS TO SAY UNTO YOU,BUT YE CANNOT BEAR THEM NOW. HOWBEIT,WHEN HE,THE HOLY SPIRIT IS COME,HE WILL LEAD YOU INTO ALL TRUTH”.
(2). In 2 Tim 2:15 Paul told all bible students to “RIGHTLY DIVIDE THE WORD OF TRUTH”, That is; How God spoke at different times,to different dispensational bodies,and in entirely different manners. The word for “RIGHTLY DIVIDE”,in this verse is the Gr word,Orthotomeo,i.e.TO DRAW A STRAIGHT LINE THROUGH THE DIFFERENT TIMES,AND DIFFERENT DISPENSATIONAL BODIES,AND THEIR DIFFERENT DISPENSATIONAL MESSAGES”,as stated earlier,in Heb 1:1,2.
(3). Paul tells us (how) to do so in the following verse: 1 Cor 10:32 “GIVE NONE OFFENCE. NEITHER TO (THE JEWS),NOR TO (THE GENTILES),NOR TO (THE CHURCH),OF GOD”.
There it is. In 1 Cor 10:32,Paul stated:that every word,line,verse,chapter,and book of The Bible,is directed to (but one) of the three different dispensational bodies;(THE GENTILES),(THE JEWS) or (THECHURCH),OF GOD”. (4). If one were to take any word,line,verse,chapter,or book,of The Bible. And to either ignorantly,or intention- ally,”twist them”,to apply to any one of the three dispensational bodies,for which it was never intended. Then one would end up “WRONGLY DIVIDING THE WORD OF TRUTH”,and become “AN ASHAMED WORKMAN,DISAPPROVED OF GOD”. So said Paul,in 2 Tim 2:15.
In our previous studies,we have discovered,that there is not one word of The Old Testament,from Gen 1:1,to Ex 19:-8,and to label them as such,would be as best a misnomer.And at worst,would be to “WRONGLY DIVIDE THE WORD OF TRUTH”.
We further found,that until The Jewish Nation of Israel was first created,at Mt Sinai,Ex 19:1-8; that the entire world was populated solely by Gentiles,according to Gen 9:19, and Gen 10:5,32. Their gospel,was called The Gospel (of) The Un-circumcision”,i.e. The Gospel (of) The Gentiles. See Gal 2:6-10. We next found. That when he was called,and saved by God,under The Grace Gospel (of) The Un-circumcision,of Rom 4:9-12,Gal 3:8. That Abrahm,was a 75 year old,un-circumcised,pagan Gentile,living with his pagan,uncircumcised,Gentile parents,in Mesopotamia. See Joshua 24:1,2, Acts 7:1-8,to prove that this was so We found that Gentile Abrahm,begat Gentile Isaac,who begat Gentile Jacob.Whose name was later changed to Israel,at Gen 32:24-31. Thus,one could not be called AN ISRAELITE,until Gen Ch 32, 2,263 years after the formation of Adam,Gen Ch 1.
We also found. That Gentile Jacob,Israel,and 70 of his Gentile kinfolk,were taken into 430 years of Egyptian captivity. During which time,God created (A STRICTLY NUMERICAL NATION),of well over 600,000 plus,Gentile souls. See Ex 12:37-40. And,that it was “out of” those 600,000 plus,newly delivered,Gentile souls. That God first created The Jewish Nation of Israel,at Mt Sinai,Ex 19:1-8. Or as Simeon declared in Acts 15:14 “GOD,AT THE FIRST,DID VISIT THE GENTILES,TO TAKE OUT OF THEM,A PEOPLE,FOR HIS NAME”.
No. .The Gentile children of Israel,did not become The Jewish Nation of Israel,until Mt Sinai,Ex 19:1-8.i.e.Not until after the first 2,500 years of biblical history.
In our last study,we found that Matt,Mark,Luke,and John,are not New Testament,Church epistles, but were simply a continuation of Old Testament Jewish epistles.See Heb 9:16,17,and Matt 10:5,6, Matt 15:24, Gal 4:4, and Rom 15:8,to prove that this is so.
We also learned,that the so-called Great Commission,of Matt 28:19,20, Mark 16:15-18 was not (our) Church commission,to evangelize the world at large;but was simply the “re-starting” of the strictly Jewish,Kingdom of Heaven Gospel,of Matt 3:1,2,and Matt 10:1-8,that Jesus had temporarily suspended,at Matt 16:20
We also learned,that The Book of Acts,was a strictly Jewish epistle,directed solely to The Jewish Nation of Israel,and their Gentile proselytes to Judahism. See Acts 2:2-11,to prove that this so, Now,let us continue to “RIGHTLY DIVIDE”,the Jewish Book of Acts,as follows:
(1). The Book of Acts,was not the record of the birth of our Mystery Church of Eph 3:1-10, Rom 16:25,26, (beginning) at the strictly Jewish Pentecost,of Acts Ch 2. But was simply the “re-offering”,of Israel’s resurrected Jewish Messiah,solely to National Israel. See Acts 2:5:11, Acts 2:14, Acts 2:36, Acts 2:12-26, Acts 4:8,Acts 5:31,to prove that this is so.
(2). As we shall later on discover,the Ethiopian eunuch of Acts 8:26-40,”came to”Jewish Phillip,in order to become a Gentile proselyte to Judahism (Acts 8:28),and was not a convert to Our Mystery Church of Eph 3:1-10,Rom 16:25,26. How dowe know this to be so?
First. Because Paul was not even saved,until the following chapter,of Acts Ch 9. And it was first,to Paul,that Our Mystery Church,was later on,to be revealed.
Secondly. Because The Levitical Law rohibiting “ONE THAT WAS A JEW,TO KEEP COMPANY WITH,OR TO COME UNTO ONE OF ANOTHER NATION,was not abolished,until Peter’s “three sheet visions”,of Acts 10:9-16,as we shall soon discover.
(3). When Paul was converted,at Acts Ch 9,Paul knew nothing,(as yet),concerning Our Mystery Church,of Eph 3:1-10, Rom 16:25,26. At that time,Paul simply ceased being a Christ hating Pharrisee. And became,a Christ loving convert to Judahism,e.g. Acts 9:20,22. Now. Carefully note the following:
(4). In Acts Ch 10,we find a great dispensational change,in God’s gospel order: From the giving of the Levitical Law of Moses,of Lev 20:26,until Acts 10:28,”IT WAS AN UNLAWFUL THING,FOR ONE THAT WAS A JEW,TO KEEP COMPANY WITH,OR TO COME UNTO,ONE OF ANOTHER NATION”–for any reason. That is precisely why,in Matt 10:5,6, Matt 15:24, Jewish Christ Jesus commanded His 12 Jewish Apostles,not to “take” His Jewish Gospel of the Circumcision,to any Gentile. As Israel’s Highest Jewish Priest, Christ Jesus wasobeying the Jewish Law of Separation,Lev 20:26.
(5). It was not until Peter received “the three sheet visions”,of Acts 10:9-16,that Christ Jesus “reversed” His command of “GO NOT INTO THE WAY OF THE GENTILES”,to that of, “GO TO THE GENTILES”. Notice the change in God’s dispensational gospel order,at Peter’s words to Gentile Cornelius,Acts 10:28.
(6). Acts 10:28,contains proof,that “the scope” of the so called Great Commission,of Matt 28:19,20, Mark 16:15-18,could only have been—“TO GO ONLY TO ALL 12 JEWISH NATIONS”,who were then dispersed throughout many Gentile nations.
(7). That none of the other Jewish Disciples,knew that “A JEW,WAS THEN PERMITTED TO “GO TO” ANY GENTILE”,for proselytizing,or for other social reasons,is so stated in Acts 1:1-5,where Peter was severely reprimanded by The Jews,for “GOING TO” one family of Gentiles,as follows:
Now ask yourself this question. Since it was not until Peter’s “three sheet visions”,that “A JEW COULD KEEP COMPANY WITH,OR (COME UNTO),ANY GENTILE”. Then how could the so called Great Commission of Matt 28:19, Mark 16:15-18,have included “THE GENTILES”? The answer of course,is that,it did not.
Also ask yourself. Since “A JEW.COULD NOT KEEP COMPANY WITH,OR COME UNTO ANY GENTILE”,until Acts 10:28. How could the events,taking place,at the annual Jewish Pentecost,of Acts Ch 2–have included “THE GENTILES”?–saving that of Gentile proselytes to Judahism. The answer of course,is that it did not. In my next study,#7,we will continue to Rightly Divide,The Strictly Jewish Book of Acts. Thank you for listening.
“THE JEWISH BOOK OF ACTS” (cont.) Tape #7
Greetings,in the name of Christ Jesus. My name is Wellington. This will be the 7th,in a series of Unusual (but true) Dispensational Studies. These,will all be “deep meat” of the word of God,so I ask that you keep pencil and paper handy,to “check out” ALL of my scriptural references,as did The Noble Bereans,of Acts 17:11. In these studies,perhaps for the first time,you will hear “how to” Rightly Divide,Our Wrongly Divided Bible.
For those of you,who might have just tuned in,let me say again. That while it is true,that God never changes; and that Christ Jesus is the same,yesterday,today,and forever. Heb 1:1 and 2 plainly states: That God,did,and does–speak at different dispensational times–to different dispensational people,and in entirely different dispensational manners. In 2 Tim 2:15,Paul tells each and every one of us “TO RIGHTLY DIVIDE”,these different dispensational programs.Or we will end up as “ASHAMED WORKMEN,DISAPPROVED OF GOD”.
In 1 Cor 10:32,Paul tells us “how” to Rightly Divide them–as follows:
“GIVE NONE OFFENCE. NEITHER TO (THE JEWS); NOR TO (THE GENTILES); NOR TO (THE CHURCH”–OF GOD”. There it is. Paul “Rightly Divides” the Bible into three different dispensational bodies. (THE JEWS)–(THE GENTILES)–and (THE CHURCH),OF GOD. To take any word,verse,line,chapter,or verse of The Holy Bible,and either ignorantly,or knowingly “twist them”,to apply to one of the three bodies–for which it was never intended,would be to “WRONGLY DIVIDE THE WORD OF TRUTH:,and lead to un- avoidable doctrinal errors.
Although all scriptures are written (FOR) us–2 Tim 3:16. Not all scriptures are written (TO) us,Heb 1:1,2. Therefore,it is possible to be scripturally correct–while also being –dispensationally wrong!
But now to continue,with our study of The (Strictly Jewish) Book of Acts–. So far,we have learned,that The Book of Acts,was not the record,of the birth of our Mystery Church,of Eph 3:1-10,at the strictly Jewish Pentecost,of Acts Ch 2.
Because of Christ’s Intercessory prayer,of “FATHER FORGIVE THEM,FOR THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO”,of Luke 23:34. National Israel,who had rejected Israel’s Messiah in His Incarnation–would be granted “a second chance” to accept Israel’s rejected Messiah–in His resurrection. This “re-offering” of Christ Jesus,to National Israel alone,would continue during the entire Jewish epistle of Acts. Many individual Jews did accept their resurrected Messiah. National Israel,continued to reject Him,e.g. Acts Ch 4. It was for this National rejection,that The Holy Spirit,at Acts 13:1-5,separated Paul and Barnabas,for the special task of transitionally setting aside,National Israel’s Gospel of the Circumcision,at Acts 13:46; 18:6; and 28:28. We also learned,in our previous study of the strictly Jewish epistle of Acts.
(1). That when he was saved,at Acts Ch 9. Paul simply ceased being a Christ hating Pharisee,and became a Christ accepting convert to National Israel’s Judahism;i.e. that Israel’s Messiah,would not come in and through the Priestly Tribe of Levi,but would come in and through the non-priestly tribe of Judah–according to Gen 49:10,Ps 60:7,Ps 108:8,with Heb Ch 7.
(2). That somewhere between his salvation,at Acts Ch 9,and his commission to temporarily set aside National Israel’s Judahism,at Acts 13:46,18:6,and 28:28. Paul,was caught up into “THE THIRD HEAVEN”,mentioned in 2 Cor 12:1-4,and was given the gospel of our Mystery Church,of Eph 3:1-10,Rom 16:25,26. Note this special Pauline gospel,in Gal 1:1,11,12.
(3). It was during the foregoing period,Paul gave up being a Jew,under the Old Testament,Jewish Law of Moses, e.g.Acts 13:39. And became a Christian,under the Grace of Christ,of Gal 1:6-9..
(4) It was at the time of the three phase setting aside of The Jewish Gospel of the circumcision,at Acts 13:46, 18:6, 28:28;that Paul was (simultanously) entrusted with The gospel of Our Mystery Church,of Eph 3:1-10,Rom 16:25,26.
(5). Although given to Paul,at his three phase setting aside of National Israel’s Gospel of the Circumcision,at Acts 13:46, 18:6, and 28:28; Paul’s new Gospel of our Mystery Church of Eph 3:1-10, Rom 16:25,26,could not (then) be revealed by Paul,until the final dispensational end of Israel’s Gospel of the Circumcision,at Acts 28:28.
The Gospel,set forth during the Jewish epistle of Acts,was always “TO THE JEWS FIRST”,Acts 3:26. In fact. The Gospel in Acts,was restricted solely to “THE JEWS”,until Jewish Peter,received his “three sheet visions”,of Acts 10:9-16 It was not until that point in time and place,that the ancient Levitical Law of Separation of Jews from Gentiles,of Lev 20:26 was abolished,for the first time since Mt Sinai.
From Adam,to Moses/ The (gospel order) was TO THE GENTILES ONLY,because there was no Jewish Nation of Israel,until Mt Sinai,Ex 19:1-8.
From Mt Sinai,until Peter’s “three sheet visions” of Acts 10:9-16. The (gospel order) was TO THE JEWS ONLY,and their Gentile proselytes to Judahism,e.g. Acts 2:1-11.
Thus,from Acts 10:28 onward. (The gospel order of 1,500 years),then first changed. From–“(GO NOT) INTO THE WAY OF THE GENTILES”, Matt 10:5,6. To (GO ALSO) TO THE GENTILES. For the first time–a Jew could “go to” a Gentile,for proselytizing purposes.
Positive proof,that the so called Great Commission of Matt 28:19,20, Mark 16:15-18,and thevents,surrounding the annual Jewish Pentecost of Acts Ch 2,could not have included ANY GENTILE,unless they had also become circumcised proselytes to Judahism–e.g. Acts 11:1-5.
Up until Acts 10:28,A Jew,could not “go to” any Gentile,for proselytizing,or for any other social purpose. For example,the Ethiopian eunuch,of Acts 8:26-40 had “come to” The Jews,in order to become a convert to Israel’s Judahism,Acts 8:27. At that time,it would have “still been unlawful”,for Jewish Phillip,to have “gone to” the Ethiopian eunuch.
We earlier found,that “the church” in view,during the entire Acts period,was not our Mystery Church,of Eph 3:1-10,Rom 16:25,26,but were “The Seven Asiatic Jewish Churches,started by Jewish Moses,at Mt Siani,Acts 7:38, Acts 15:21,and as so named by Jewish John,in Rev 1:11.
Jewish Luke,wrote the Jewish epistle of Acts. He knew nothing concerning Paul’s having been given The Gospel of Our Mystery Church,of Eph 3:1-10,Rom 16:25,26. Thus,the book of Acts contains no reference to Our Mystery Church. We only learn of Our Mystery Church,through Paul’s personal epistles. During the Jewsih Acts period,Paul did not preach in Christian Churches,but only to Jews attending Jewish Synagogues–on the Jewish Sabbath,e.g.Acts 13:14,15, Acts 13:42,45. Paul,also continued “to take Jewish vows”,”attend Jewish Purifyuing Services”,”shaved his head, according to a Jewish law”,”continued to observe the annual,strictly Jewish Feast of Pentecost of Lev Ch 23”;circumcised Gentile Timothy,raised the dead,healed the sick etc. ..
One should also carefully note: that the practice of “THE SELLING OF ALL THAT ONE POSSESSES,AND LAYING IT AT THE FEET OF TWELVE JEWISH APOSTLES”,of Acts 4:32-37,is not a program,also to be observed,by our Mystery Church,of Eph 3:1-10,Rom 16:25,26.
In Jer Ch 3,National Israel,was symbolically referred to as THE ADULTEROUS,WHORISH,WIFE OF JEHOVAH GOD. God said,that in due time He would “divorce” His adulterous,whorish wife,for her spiritual adultery. God finally did so,when He had Paul and Barnabas temporarily set aside National Israel’s Judahism atActs,13:46,18:6
Šand 28:28,for National blasphemyand did then and there (simultaneously) create The unblemshed,unwrinkled,unspotted,”chaste virgin” Bride of Christ.2 Cor 11:2.
Those,who would try to make Our Mystery Church “out of” The Jewish Church at The Jewish Pentecost of Acts Ch 2,are trying to make a chaste virgin bride,”out of” Jehovah God’s,1st Person,Holy Trinity’s,Old Test- ment,divorced,adulterous,whorish wife of Jer Ch 3.. Such of course,was neither clinically,nor spiritually possible. It will not be,until the Jewish,millenial,Kingdom of Heaven,that Jehovah God,will “re-marry” His temporarily divorced adultrous,whorish Israelitish wife,that He divorced, Acts 13:46, 18:6, and 28:28.
Great,global,religious confusion,has resulted,from the labeling,of Matt,Mark,Luke,and John,and The Book of Acts,as New Testament,Church Epistles. When they are in fact–simply continuations of Old Testament,Jewish Epistles,directed solely to The Jewish Nation of Israel. And as it states in 1 Cor 14:33,”GOD,IS NOT THE AUTHOR OF (gospel) CONFUSION”.In my next study,#8,we will continue Rightly Dividing,The Strictly Jewish Book of Acts. Thank you for listening.
“THE JEWISH BOOK OF ACTS” (cont.) Tape #8
Greetings,in the name of Christ Jesus. My name is Wellington. This will be the 8th,in a series of seldom heard dispensational studies,entitled,The Rightly Divided Bible. Today,perhaps for the first time,you will hear how to Rightly Divide,The Wrongly Divided Bible. For those of you,who have just joined us,we have thus far discovered:
(1). That there is not one word of The Old Testament,from Gen 1:1,to Ex 19:1-8.That is,from Gen 1:1,to Moses,atop Mt Sinai,for the 1st 2,500 years of biblical history. And to so lable those verses,as being Old Testament verses,is to Wrongly Divide The Word of Truth. We further learned:
(2). That the entire world,from Adam to Moses,i.e.for the 1st 2,500 years of biblical history,was inhabited solely by Gentiles.
(3). That when he was called,and saved by God,at Gen Ch 12,Abrahm,was a 75 year old,unsaved,uncircum- cised,pagan Gentile. Later on.
(4). That Gentile Abraham,begat Gentile Isaac,who begat Gentile Jacob: Whose name was not changed to Israel.until 2,263 years after Adam,at Gen Ch 32. Thus,no one,could be called “An Israelite”,until sometime after,Gen Ch 32.
(5). That Gentile Jacob,Israel,and 70 of his Gentile kinfolk,spent 430 years in Egyptian captivity. During which time. God created A NUMERICAL NATION OF WELL OVER 600,000 GENTILE SOULS”.And–
(6). That upon their delivery. God,at Mt Sinai,first created The Jewish Nationof Israel,”out of” these 600,000,plus (still Gentile) “children of Israel”.
(7). That it was,at Mt Sinai,Ex 19:1-8; 2,500 years after Adam,that God chose to temporarily set aside,THE GENTILES,and their GOSPEL OF THE UN-CIRCUMCISION;and to temporarily place His Divine Oracles and Salvation message,soley in,and through,His newly created,Jewish Nation of Israel–and their unique,Gospel of The Circumcision–i.e. for the next 1,500 years,of biblical history. (8). We also learned.That the four,synoptic gospels,of Matt,Mark.Luke,and John,are not New Testament.Church Epistles–but were simply a continuation.of Old Testament Jewish Epistles.addressed solely to The Jewish Nation of Israel. (9). We also learned. That the “Kingdom of Heaven” gospel,of Matt,Mark,Luke,and John,was not to be given,to any Gentile–but only to The Jewish Nation of Israel.
(10). We further learned–that this,strictly Jewish,”Kingdom of Heaven Gospel”,referred only,to the coming millenial reign,of Christ Jesus,as Israel’s finally recognized,finally accepted King of His saved,resurrected Jews.
(11). We also learned,that the Jewish Kingdom of Heaven Gospel was temporarily suspended,at Matt 16:20,as Christ Jesus prepared HImself for His “imminent” death,at Calvary.
Here,it is of the utmost importance to note. The so called Great Commission,of Matt1:19,20,Mark 16:15-18,was simply,a post-resurrection “re-starting”,of the strictly Jewish,Kingdom of Heaven Commission,of Matt 10:1-8.And was not. I repeat,was not, The “marching orders”,for OUR MYS- TRY CHURCH MEMBERS,to evangelize,the then known,Gentile world. Think about it.
(12). We also discovered–that The Book of Acts,was not,the record of the birth of our Mystery Church,of Eph 3:1-10,and Rom 16:25,26–at the annual–strictly Jewish,Levitical Pentecost,of Acts Ch 2. But was simply,the record,of the final rejection,of Israel’s (risen) Messiah,by (National) Israel,at Acts 13:46, 18:6,andActs 28:28.
(13). We also discovered. That the Apostle Paul,was entrusted with the “creating” of Our Mystery Church of Eph 3:1-10, and Rom 16:25,26,(simultaneously) with his three phase,transitional,settiing aside,of National Israel’s Jewish Gospel of the Circumcision,at Act 13:46, 18:6, and 28:28.
(14). We also discovered. The great dispensational change that occured,following Peter’s “three sheet visions”,of Acts 9:19-16. Where,for the first time,since Mt Sinai, the Jewish gospel order”OF GO NOT TO ANY GENTILE”–was changed to–
Š”NOW,GO TO THE GENTILES,ALSO”. Positive proof,as stated earlier. That the so called Great Commission,of Matt 28:19,20; and Mark 16:15-18; could not possibly have commissioned any Jew,”TO GO UNTO”,any Gentile.
Having discovered the accuracy,of each of the foregoing little heard,dispensational facts. we may now reach,the following,doctrinal conclusions:
(1). That although,ALL scriptures,are written (FOR) us,2 Tim 3:16–NOT ALL scriptures,are written (TO) us,Heb 1:1,2. Please—check me out on this.
(2). Therefore,it is possible;to be SCRIPTURALLY CORRECT;but also,DISPENSATIONALLY WRONG.
(3).Paul tells ALL Bible students. To “RIGHTLY DIVIDE” God’s different dispensational programs in 2 Tim 2:15. Then,Paul tells us–precisely HOW to do So in 1 Cor 10:32,ff one fails,to RIGHTLY DIVIDE THE WORD OF TRUTH, i.e.according to God’s three,unique,dispensational bodies–of JEW–GENTILE- and CHURCH. Then one will certainly end up; “AN ASHAMED RKMAN,DISS- APPROVED,OF GOD”. So stated Paul,in 2 Tim 2:15. Please read it–for yourself.
All of these,seldom heard,dispensational truths,mentioned so far in this,and in my previous seven studies,are covered in much greater depth,in my other numerous dispensational studies.
In the remainder of this broadcast,I will do,as did Paul;wnen he set The Jews,and their Jewish Gospel of the Circumcision temporarily aside at Acts 28:28. And then fully brought in Our Mystery Church Dispensation,of Eph 3:1-10, Rom 16:25,26.And its unique Mystery Church Gospel,of Gal 1:1-12,and Eph 4:3-6,which is as follows:
(1). That God,having set aside THE GENTILES,and their Gospel of The Un-circumcision,at Mt Sinai,Ex 19:1-8,would once again,deal with THE GENTILES;(beginning,at Acts 10:28),WAS NO MYSTERY! Isa 11:10. So what did Paul mean,by referring to Our Church,as A MYSTERY,in Eph 3:1-10, and Rom 16:25,26?
(2). As we shall discover,THE MYSTERY,was,and is. That God would have Paul reveal,for the first time in biblical history. THE CHURCH,WHICH IS HIS BODY”;i.e.A NEW CREATION,IN CHRIST JESUS”,described in Eph 1:21-22, Eph 2:11-18, Eph 4:22, 2 Cor 5:17, Col 3:9-11, Gal 3:28, Gal 6:15. This “NEW CREATION,IN CHRIST JESUS,CALLED CHRIST’S ONE BODY; was not to be composed of,(both),saved Jews,and saved Gentiles; but would be composed of “NEITHER JEWS,NOR GENTILES,BUT OF THE TWAIN,A NEW CREATION,IN CHRIST JESUS”. We,are members of this Mysterious,New Body
(3). In “THE MYSTERIOUS BODY”,described in 1 Cor Ch 12,all racial,ethnic,social,religious,and gender differences,must be (positionally) willingly surrendered.,as stated in Gal 3:28, and Col 3:11. Now,consider this. That all of the foregoing ,Paul also ”willingly surrendered. See Phillipians 3:4-9 where Paul referred to his former race,religion,gender,and ethnic “identities”,AS “DUNG”!
Yes. All of the foregoing,Paul also POSITONALLY surrendered at Phil 3:4-9,when he chose to
become the (first) member,of Christ’s One Mysterious Body;and then,reveal it to others–according to Our Gospel of The Mystery,of Eph 3:1-10, and Rom 16:25,26.
For Paul,to be able,to dispensationally,create Our Mystery Church; simultaneously,with his three phase,setting aside,of Israel’s Judahism,at Acts 13:46, 18:6,and 28:28. God,had to first Remove The Old Testament,Covenant of Law,which remained “A DISPENSATIONAL WALL,SEPARATING JEWS,FROM GENTILES”,since Mt Siani. This,Christ Jesus did (de-jure),at Calvary. Eph 2:11-22. But did not do so (de-facto),till He had Paul do so,t Acts 13:46, 18:6,and 28:28. Now,consider this.
Paul,could continue “to act like a Jew”,when going to Jews,during the entire Book of Acts. He could,and did (write about) Our Mystery Church Gospel,to saved Jews,during that same Acts period,according to the unique,”two-fold ministry”,entrusted solely to him,set forth in 1 Cor 9: 9-23. A subject,that I will cover,at much greater length,in these continiuing studies.
“In Closing”–Once again–
Of this you may be sure. That there is not one word of The Old Testament,from Gen 1:1,to Ex 19:1-8,and to so label them as such,is at best a misnomer;and fails to “RIGHTLY DIVIDE,THE WORD OF TRUTH”. Furthermore. There is not one word of The New Testament,in the books that are wrongly so labeled.
No. There is not one word of The New Testament,in any of the books now labeled as such. Its spirit,yes. But its letter,no. See Rom 7:6, and 2 Cor 3:6. The (New) Testament,will only be placed “IN FORCE”,during the coming millenial reign of Christ Jesus,over planet earth. Even then,it will only be used,to govern those resurrected Jews,who were saved,under their Old Testament. See Heb 8:6-13, and Heb 9:15-17,Matt 19:27-30,to see that this is so.
In my next study,#9,we will discover the truth,concerning (our) Mystery Church,started by The Apostle Paul,as set forth in Rom 16:25,26,and Eph 3:1-10 Thank you for listening.
Greetings,in the name of Christ Jesus. My name is Wellington. This will be the 9th,in a series of seldom heard,dispensational studies,entitled; The Rightly Divided Bible. Today,perhaps for the first time,you will hear how to Rightly Divide,The Wrongly Divided Bible. These studies will contain deep meat of the word. So please have pencil and paper handy,to check all of my scriptural refer- ences. As The Noble Bereans, also checked out Paul,and all others,at Acts 17:11.
In my last study,we found that Our Mystery Church,of Eph 3:1-10,and Rom 16:25,26,was firs
created (simultaneously) with Paul’s temporary,setting aside of National Israel’s,Gospel of the Circumcision,at Acts 13:46, 18:6, and 28:28. Although then known by Paul,Our Mystery Church,could not be,totally revealed by Paul,until his third,and final setting aside of Israel’s Dispensation of Law,at Acts 28:28. The failure,to properly identify,and Rightly Divide,The Book of Acts,as a solely Jewish epistle,has led to universal,doctrinal error,concerning Our Mystery Church,of Eph 3:1-10,and Rom 16:25,26. The only CHURCH,in view,throughout the entire Book of Acts,was The Seven,Asiatic Churches,started by Moses,at Mt Sinai. See Acts 7:38,Acts 15:21,and Rev 1:11. This Jewish Church,was “ADDED TO”,at the Annual,Jewish Pentecost,of Acts Ch 2,simply because it had existed,since Mt Sinai.
We also discovered,in our last study. That those who were and are,made members of our Mystery Church,of Eph 3:1-10,and Rom 16:25,26; become members of “A NEW CREATION,IN CHRIST”,called,THE CHURCH,WHICH IS HIS BODY”. And,that it is not composed of,(both) saved Jews,and,saved Gentiles,but of (neither) Jew, nor Gentile–“BUT OF THE TWAIN–A NEW CREATION IN CHRIST. Yes. Gal 3:28–and Col 3:11 state. For a Jew,or a Gentile,to become a member,of Our “NEW CREATION IN CHRIST”,both must agree to (positionally give up” their racial,religious,social,ethnic,and gender,identities. Paul,did so,in Phil 3:4-9,and considered all,of (his) former,earthly identities,–“AS DUNG”. Please read this.in Phil 3:4-9. Now,it is of the utmost importance to note the following:
(1). That Paul’s epistles,of Romans,1st and 2nd Cor,Galatians,1 Thess,and 2nd Thess, 1st Tim,and 2nd Timothy; Titus,and Philemon,were all written,during the Acts period,(prior),to the final,setting aside,of The Jewish Gospel of the Circumcision,at Acts 28:28. These Jewish epistles,were written to,saved Jews,and saved Gentile proselytes,to Judahism; that were saved by Paul,during the Jewish Book of Acts. Thus,these are ot,New Testament,Church epistles,as wrongly so labeled.
(2). The last vistages,of Judahism,dispensationally vanished (at each locale),with Paul’s three phase,setting aside,of Israel’s,Gospel of the Circumcision. Beginning first,at Antioch,at Acts 13:46; secondly,at Corinth,Acts 18:6; thirdly,and finally,at Rome,Acts 28:28. Many Jews,accepted Christ Jesus. National Israel,did not so,neither then,nor now..
It is a scriptural fact,that God’s different,dispensational programs,never overlap. It is also a scriptural fact; that lives,occasionaly overlap,God’s changing,dispensationaì programs. For example,Moses,did not receive,The Old Testament,until Mt Sinai,when he was 80 years old. Moses,lived to be 120 years old. Thus,Moses,lived the 1st 80 years of his life,(not under) The Old Testament;Dispensation of Law; and Moses.lived the last 40 years of his life,(under) That Old Testament,Dispensation of Law. The same,would also apply,to the 600,000 plus,followers of Moses,at Mt Sinai. So what does this all mean? It simply means,that saved Moses,and,his thousands of followers,at the time of the dispensational change,occuring at Mt Sinai; did not have to become “re-saved”; but only had to agree “to live under”,the new precepts,of their new,Dispensation of Law.
This same,dispensational overlapping,of lives, occured throughout,all of Acts;as Paul transition- ally,set aside,National Israel’s Old Testament,Dispensation of Law–at Acts 13:46, 18:6, and 28:28. And (simultaneously),at each of those 3 locales,created The New Dispensation of Grace,of Our Mystery Church,of Eph 3:1-10.
As in the foregoing,change of dispensations,at Mt Sinai; those present,were
given a very unique choice; which was;–of continuing to “live under”,The Good Things,Under The Laws of Moses;or chose “A MORE EXCELLENT WAY”,under Our Dispensation,of The Grace of Christ.
Paul’s Jewish epistles,of Romans,1st Cor,2nd Cor,Gal,1st Thess,2nd Thess,1st Tim,2nd Tim,Titus,and Philemon;were all addressed,to Jews,and Gentile proselytes that had been saved earlier,during the (Jewish) Acts period:i.e. Those,whose lives had overlapped,the 3 dispensational changes,occuring at Acts 13:46, 18:6, and 28:28.
Yes.they were given the unique choice;of either continuing to live under,”the good things,of The Laws of Moses”.Or,”to live under” THE BETTER THINGS,of The Dispensation of The Grace of Christ. In either event,they needed not to be re-saved. In 1 Cor Ch 12, Paul,basically told his Acts converts:”THE GOOD LAWS OF MOSES,STILL IN EFFECT”. YET,SHOW I UNTO YOU,Á MORE EXCELLENT WAY”. That unique dispensational choice,was totally withdrawn by Paul,at his 3rd,and final,setting aside of National Israel’s,Old Testament,Dispensation of Law,at Acts 28:28.
What was “THE MORE EXCELLENT WAY”,aul offered to saved Jews,and their saved,Gentile proselytes to Judahism,at 1 Cor 12:31? In Hebrews 9:19,20,it is also said to be,”A NEW,AND LIVING WAY”,TO NOW WORSHIP GOD–IN THE HEAVENLIES”. This,NEW WAY,TO WORSHIP GOD,was given (de-jure),at the moment of Christ’s death,at Calvary. And carefully note this: It was at that precise moment,in time,and place,Heb Ch 9. THAT ALL EARTHLY TABERNACLE (building worship) WAS TOTALLY ABOLISHED. TOGETHER WITH ITS MULTI- PLE,HUMAN,PRIESTLY MEDIATORS,BETWEEN GOD,AND MAN; AND,ALL OF ITS FORMER ORDINANCES,OF DIVINE SERVICE”. Why so? It says,in Heb 9:11. BECAUSE WE (NOW) HAVE,A GREATER,AND MORE PERFECT (HEAVENLY) TABERNACLE–NOT BUILT WITH HUMAN HANDS”. So why should we continue to attend,or support such? Heb 9:24 “FOR CHRIST,IS NO LONGER,ENTERED INTO THE HOLY PLACES,MADE WITH (human) HANDS;WHICH WERE THE FIGURES OF THE TRUE,(heavenly tabernacle); BUT INTO HEAVEN ITSELF NOW,TO APPEAR IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD,FOR US”. And,as it also states,in Acts 17:24,25 “GOD, NO LONGER DWELLS, IN TEMPLES MADE WITH HUMAN HANDS. NEITHER IS HE (any longer) WORSHIPPED,WITH MEN’S HANDS; AS THOUGH HE NEEDED ANY THING”.
Yes, all earthly building worship,following Acts 28:28,was there abolished,in favor of “A NEW AND LIVING WAY TO WORSHIP GOD,IN THE HEAVENLIES”. And,as for ALL earthly priest,ministers,or rabbis? Listen to 1 Tim 2:5 “THERE IS (NOW) ONE MEDIATOR BETWEEN GOD AND MAN.–THE MAN–CHRIST JESUS”, As for the continuing observance of any Ordinances of Divine Service,such as water baptism,The Lord’s Supper,Tithing,etc? (We),are not to continue to observe those former “FIGURES OF THE TRUE”. When we now have THE REALITY,in the one,heavenly ministry,of Christ Jesus. So states,Heb 9:1-10. Please read 1 Tim 2:15,Heb 9:24,Heb 10:19,20. Heb Chapters 9 & 10 set forth–The Good Things,Under The Dispensation,of The Law of Moses. But “THE MORE EXCELLENT THINGS”,under The Dispensation,of The Grace of Christ.
The torn temple veil,at Calvary,was symbolic,of the torn flesh of Christ Jesus,Heb 10:19,20. It is (now),through Christ’s torn flesh–that we no longer need to attend any earthly church. Any further building worship,or any earthly clergy,or any former Ordinances of Divine Service;(following the renting of the Temple Veil de-jure,at Calvary,and de-facto,at Acts 28:28,will be both divisive,and schismatic.
ŠERCISED THEREBY”. Yes,we are all told,to “progress”, from the milk,1 Cor 3:2, to the sincere milk 1 Pet 2:2,to meat,1 Cor 3:2, to strong meat,of the word–Heb 5:12-14.
In closing. I ask that you seek,and accept,the following dispensational fact: That only in Paul’s post-Acts 28:28,”prison epistles” of Ephesians,Phillipians,and Colossians. Will one find,The Dispensational Gospel,and The Dispensational Program,of Our Mystery Church,of Eph 3:1-10,and Rom 15:25,26. In my next study,#10,we will continue to study (our) Mystery Church,started by The Apostle Paul,and identified by Paul,in Rom 16:25,26,and Eph 3:1-10. Thank you for listening
“OUR MYSTERY CHURCH OF EPH 3:1-10” (cont.) Tape #10
Greetings,in the name of Christ Jesus. My name,is Wellington. This,will be the 10th,in a series of seldom heard,dispensational studies,entitled “THE RIGHTLY DIVIDED BIBLE”. Today,perhaps for the first time,you are about to hear,how to Rightly Divide,our Wrongly Divided Bible. In earlier broadcasts,we found the following,dispensational facts:
(1). That there is not one word,of The Old Testament,from Gen 1:1,to Ex 19:1-8.That is,from Adam,in Eden–to Moses,atop Mt Siani,or for the first 2,500 years,of biblicaì history. The word TESTAMENT.to divide The Holy Bible,into two major books,called The Old & The New Testament–no where appears,in the original MSS. Those “wrong divisions”,came via of Vatican Rome’s Latin Vulgate,about 400 A.D.
(2). That from Adam,in Eden,until The Jewish Nation of Israel,was (first) created,at Mt Sinai,Ex 19:1-8,the entire world’s population,consisted solely of GENTILES!
and,that the only gospel,being preached,for the first 2,500 years of biblical history;was solely that identified by Paul,in Gal 2:6-9–as,”THE GOSPEL OF THE UN-CIRCUMCISION”,or–“THE GOSPEL OF THE GENTILES”.
(3). That when he was called of God,at Gen Ch 12,Abrahm,was a 75 year old,un-circumcised,pagan Gentile. See Joshua 24:1.2; Acts, 7:1-8,
(4). That Gentile Abraham,begat Gentile Isaac,who begat Gentile Jacob,whose name was (not) changed to Israel,until Gen Ch 32,i,e, 2,200 years (after),God created Gentile Adam and Eve,at Gen Ch 1. Thus,no one could have been called an “Israelite,until 2,200 years after the creation of Adam and Eve,at Gen Ch 1..
(5). Gentile Jacob,i.e. Israel,and 70 of his Gentile kinfolk,spent 430 years in Egyptian captivity. During which time, God created–A NUMERICAL,GENTILE NATION OF WELL OVER 600,000,GENTILE SOULS. Out of which,He created His Jewish Nation of Israel,at Mt Sinai.
(6). Yes. It was at Mt Sinai,Ex 19:1-8,following their 430 years of captivity;that for the first time in biblical history, God created,The Jewish (Nation) of Israel,”out of”,the Gentile (children) of Israel. Or,as it states,in Acts 15:14,”GOD,AT THE FIRST,(beginning with Adam,at Gen 1:1) DID VISIT THE GENTILES, TO TAKE OUT OF THESE GENTILES,(i.e. at Mt Sinai) A PEOPLE,FOR HIS NAME”.
(7). It was at Mt Sinai,that The Gentile Gospel of The Un-circumcision,was to be (temporarily replaced) by The Jewish Gospel of The Circumcision. Please check out,these two entirely different dispensational gospels,in Gal 2:6-9.
(8). The Jewish,Gospel of the Circumcision would remain ‘in effect”,for the next 1,500 years of biblical history. Thus,from Adam,to Mt Sinai,the Gospel Order was–TO THE GENTILES,AND NO JEWS. Beginning at Mt Sinai,and for the next 1,500 years,it would be–TO THE JEWS,AND NO GENTILES. Jewish Christ Jesus,said that very thing,in Matt 10:5,6 and Matt 15:24. That is,until He reversed that to read “TO THE JEWS,AND ALSO THE GENTILES”,at Acts Ch 10:28, (9). We also learned,in my earlier broadcasts;that the four,synoptic Gospels of Matt,Mark,Luke,and John,are not New Testament,Church Epistles,but a continuation of Old Testament,strictly Jewish Epistles,suspended at Malachi,and then re-started,400 years later,at The Jewish Epistle of Matthew.
(10). We further discovered,in Matt 10:5,6,and Matt 15:24. Tthat Jewish Christ Jesus,forbid,that His Jewish Commission,of Matt 10:1-8,be given,to any Gentile!
(11). We found,that Christ Jesus,(temporarily) suspended,that Matt 10:1-8,Jewish Commission,at Matt 16:20,so that He might prepare for His imminent death at Calvary. No more Jewish “commission”? No more Jewish Sign Gifts of the Jewish believer,that accompanied it.
(12). Now carefully note this. We also found,that at His (post-resurrection),so-called Great Commission,of Matt 28:19,20, Mark 16:15-18; Christ Jesus,was simply “re-starting”,His strictly Jewish Kingdom Commission,of Matt 10:1-8,that He had earlier suspended,at Matt 16:20. He also then,”re-started”,the strictly Jewish “sign gifts” of Matt 10:8;that were also temporarily suspended,at Matt 16:20.
Š Thus,those who would take Matt 28:19,20,and Mark 16:15-18,as the marching order of Our Church,to evangelize the Gentile world at large;has caused the world at large to WRONGLY DIVIDE”,that strictly Jewish,Kingdom Commission,and the strictly Jewish “sign gifts” required solely of Jewish believers,that accompanied it.
(13). We further found. That The Book of Acts,was not the record of the birth of our Mystery Church,of Eph 3:1-10,and Rom 16:25,26,at the annual,Old Testament,strictly Jewish,Pentecost,of Acts Ch 2. Acts,is simply the record,of the “re-offering”,of National Israel’s,resurrected Messiah, solely to The Jewish Nation of Israel.. See Acts 2:1-11,Acts 2:14,Acts 2:36,Acts 4:16,etc.
(14). We found,that The Jewish Book of Acts,simply records,the second rejection of Jewish Christ Jesus,as National Israel’s,(risen),Jewish Messiah–and that Paul therefore had,(temporarily) set aside,”THE JEWS”,and their Old Testament,Gospel of the Circumcision. First,at Acts 13:46,then,at Acts 18:6,and finally,at Acts 28:28.
(15). We then found,that Paul,was given the task,of “starting” Our Mystery Church,and its Gospel of The Un-circumcision–(simultaneously)–with his three phase,setting aside,of Israel’s Judahism–at Acts 13:46, Acts 18:6,and Acts 28:28. But though known by Paul. Our Dispensation of Grace,could not finally “re-place” Israel’s (Acts period) Dispensation of Law, until Israel’s third,and final,setting aside,at Acts 28:28.
Here,one should carefully note,Jewish Peter’s words,to Gentile Cornelius,in Acts 10:28, where Peter plainly stated; “THAT IT WAS,present tense, AN UNLAWFUL THING, FOR ONE THAT WAS A JEW; TO KEEP COMPANY WITH—OR GO UNTO–ONE OF ANOTHER NATION–“. In other words,until Acts 1O:28,the Old Testament,Jewish Law,of the total separation of Jews,from Gentiles,of Lev Ch 20,as also confirmed by Jesus Himself at Matt 10:5,6, and Matt 15:24–WAS STILL,VERY MUCH IN EFFECT. Positive proof indeed,of the limited,Jewish scope,of the so called Great Commission,of Matt 28:19,20,and Mark 16:15:18. This being so. Then ask yourself. If Jews,WERE NOT (TO KEEP COMPANY WITH,NOR GO UNTO) THOSE OF ANOTHER NATION”,until Peter’s “three sheet visions” of Act 10:9-16–then how could the so called Great Commission,of Matt 28:19,20, Mark 16:15-18,and the events surrounding the Jewish Pentecostal Feast,of Acts Ch 2, have included (any) Gentiles? Except those who had become circumcised,Gen- tile proselytes,to Israel’s Judahism. The answer of course,is that they did not. Read Acts 11:1-5,to prove that this was so.
It would be impossible for me to list the numerous,related scriptural verses,that do deed confirm,all of the foregoing,little heard,dispensational facts. But now,let me now,point you,to a few more,of these seldom heard,dispensational truths,as follows:
(1). We have found thus far,that there is not one word of The Old Testament,from Gen 1:1,to Ex 19:1-8,or for the first,2,500 years,of biblical history. Now note this again. (2). That there is not one word,of The New Testament,in The New Testament! Why not? I would like for you to listen carefully to Heb 9:16,17 “FOR WHERE A TESTAMENT IS,THERE MUST ALSO,OF A NECESSITY,BE THE DEATH OF THE TESTATOR; FOR A TESTAMENT,IS OF FORCE–AFTER–THE WILL MAKER,IS DEAD”. OTHERWISE; IT IS OF NO STRENGTH AT ALL–WHILE THE TESTAMENT MAKER,LIVETH”.
There it is. Christ’s New Testament,or New Will,could not possibly have been “IN FORCE”,at any time,(during),the earthly life,and ministry,of Christ Jesus!
Why not? Beause,Christ did not “die”,until the very end of Matt,Mark,Luke,and John,and A WILL, Will,can only be placed “IN FORCE”,(sometime after) The Will Maker has died. Think about it. Then,Rightly Divide,Matt,Mark,Luke,and John,accordingly.
In my unusal (but true) other Dispensational Studies,I will also prove. That Romans,1stCor, 2nd Cor, Gal,1 Thess,2nd Thess, 1st Tim, 2nd Tim,Titus,& Philemon,are all Jewish epistles,written (during) the Acts period,prior to the third,and final setting aside of THE JEWISH DISPENSATION OF LAW,at Acts 28:28.
The Jewish Book of Hebrews,is addressed,(as the name so indicates),solely to THE JEWS. 1st Pet,2nd Pet,1st John,2nd John,3rd John,Jude,and Revelations,are also strictly Jewish epistles,written solely,”TO THE TWELVE JEWISH TRIBES OF ISRAEL SCATTERED ABROAD”,i.e. To the Jewish Diaspora,or dispersed Jews, throughout the entire world. In Gal 2:6-9,Peter,James,and John;agreed,to confine their oral,written,and personal ministry,therefafter,solely to THE JEWS,and preaching nothing,but The Jewish Gospel of the Circumcision. Therefore,though all true. The books of Peter,James,and John,do not contain one word of Church truth,nor one word of Church program. Hereafter,YOU MAY RIGHTLY SO DIVIDE THEM FOR YOURSELF.
In my next study,we will set forth the conclusions we have found,and accepted,by Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth,according Paul’s command to do so,in 2 Tim 2:15. Thank you for listening.
“My Final Conclusions”
Greetings,in the name of Christ Jesus. My name,is Wellington. This will be the 11th,and my con- cluding comments,concerning my previous series of studies,entitled: How To Rightly Divide,Our Wrongly Divided Bible. I ask,that you keep pencil and paper handy,so that you may record,the seldom heard,dispensational truths,set forth in each,of my 10 previous studies,as follows:
But first,let me now state,that the dividing of all present day Bibles,into the two major books,called The Old,and The New Testaments,is unknown to Holy Writ The original MSS,contained no such divisions,but they came to us,through Vatican Rome’s,Latin Vulgate Bible,about 400 A.D.
So,why should we be concerned,at all,with Rome’s ancient dividing,of The Holy Bible,into The Old Testament,and The New Testament? Because,as I have shown in my previous ten studies–the Holy Bible,was then,and there,”wrongly so divided”. This has directly,and indirectly,led to the creation,of well over 12.000 unscriptural isms,schisms,cults,and denominational divisions.which are also unknown to,and totally unauthorized by,Holy Writ. See 1 Cor 1:10,13 and 1 Cor 12:25,to provethat this is so.It cannot be denied,that that well over 12,000 different,isms,schisms,cults,and denominational,church divisions;do indeed,present a picture of “religious confusion”, throughout the entire world. But carefully note,in 1 Cor 14:33,that it pllainly states. That “GOD,IS NOT THE AUTHOR OF CONFUSION”–be it religious confusion–or otherwise. That,of course,leaves only Satan Himself,as the sole author of any,and all “worldly confusion”;be they religious divisions,or otherwise. Or as Paul ask all of us in the following important verse.
1 Cor 1:13 “IS CHRIST DIVIDED”? “Is Christ’s “ONE BODY”,divided into our present day,well over 12,000 (different),religious,and quasi-religious bodies? Of course not,said Paul,in 1 Cor 1:10, and 1 Cor 12:25,and elsewhere. And,since all such unscriptural divisions,may be traced directly,or indirectly,to our failure “TO RIGHTLY DIVIDE THE WORD OF TRUTH”; (dispensationally speaking that is); then it would behoove every bible student to “RIGHTLY DO SO”;dispensationally speaking that is). While it is true,that “GOD NEVER CHANGES”. And “CHRIST JESUS IS THE SAME,YESTER TODAY,AND FOREVER”. It plainly states,in Heb 1:1,2,that “GOD DID,AND STILL DOES–SPEAK AT DIFFERENT DISPENSATIONAL TIMES–TO DIFFERENT DISPENSATIONAL PEOPLES–AND IN DECIDEDLY DIFFERENT DISPEN- SATIONAL MANNERS”. That is why,in 2 Tim 2:15,Paul tells every one of us.”TO RIGHTLY DIVIDE” (i.e.Gr Orthotomeo);”TO RIGHTLY DRAW A STRAIGHT LINE THROUGH” God’s changing dispen- sational programs. In 1 Cor 10:32,Paul tells us precisely (how) to do so,when he said “GIVE NONE OFFENCE. NEITHER TO THE JEWS;NOR TO THE GENTILES; NOR TO THE CHURCH,OF GOD”. There it is. All mankind,and all scriptures addressed to mankind,are RIGHTLY DIVIDED, into these 3,unique,dispensational bodies. “THE JEWS”–“THE GENTILES”,and “THE CHURCH of God.
To either ignorantly,or knowingly,take any word,verse,line,chapter,or book,of The Holy Bible,and twist it,to supposedly apply,to one of the foregoing,three unique,dispensational bodies–for which it was never dispensationally intended,would be to “WRONGLY DIVIDE THE WORD OF TRUTH and make one,”AN ASHAMED WORKMAN,DISAPPROVED OF GOD”. For so (reversely states Paul),in 2 Tim 2:15.
In a final summation,let me again state some seldom heard dispensational truths,that all should also discover discover;who choose “TO RIGHTLY DRAW A STRAIGHT LINE THROUGH,GOD’S DIFFERENT DISP- PENSATIONAL DIVISIONS”,as follows:
(1). There is not one word of The Old Testament,from Adam,in Eden;to Moses,atop Mt Sinai;that is,from Gen 1:1, to Ex 19:1-8–or,for the first 2,500 years of biblical history. And therefore,to call those scriptures “THE OLD TESTAMENT”,is a best a misnomer,and fails to “RIGHTLY DIVIDE THE WORD OF TRUTH”. (2). From Adam,in Eden,Gen 1:1,until the creation,of The Jewish Nation of Israel at Ex 19:1-8–or for the first 2,500 years of biblical history;the entire world was solely inhabited by Gentiles,Hebrew Goyim. See Gen 9:18,19, Gen 10:5.32.
(3). When he was (called out of),the universal mainstream,of pagan Gentiles,at Gen Ch 12. Abrahm was a 75 year old,un-circumcised,pagan Gentile,Josh 24:2,3,14,15, Acts 7:1-8;Rom Ch 4; Gal Ch 3.
(4). Gentile Abraham,begat Gentile Isaac,who begat Gentile Jacob. Gentile Jacob,whose name was not changed to Israel until Gen Ch 32,and 70 of his Gentile kinfolk,went into 430 years of Egyptian captivity. During which time,God,created from those 70 Gentile souls,A NUMERICAL NATION,of well over 600,000 Gentile souls,Ex 12:37,38. The Gentile world later became universally apostate, e.g.Rom Ch 1.
(5).Thus,it was at Mt Sinai,2,500 years after Adam,that God chose to temporarily set aside “THE GENTILES”, and their unique,dispensational,Gospel of The Un-circumcision,and to then and there create The Jewish Nation of Israel, and to bring in their unique,dispensational,Gospel of The Circumcision;or as it says in Acts 15:14 “GOD,AT THE FIRST,HATH VISITED THE GENTILES TO TAKE OUT OF THEM,A PEOPLE,FOR HIS NAME”. See the above two different Gospels,as set forth by Paul,in Gal 2:6-9.
(6). God,then,at Mt Sinai,chose to preserve His Divine Oracles,and Salvation Message,solely in,and through,The Jewish Nation of Israel,i.e.0for the next 1,500 years of biblical history. A Gentile,could only then,become saved,by becoming a Gentile proselyte,to Israel’s Gospel of The Circumcision; i.e. by becoming A JEW–as did the Ethiopian eunuch,of Acts 8:26-40. Now carefully note:
(7). Matt,Mark,Luke,and John,are simply continuations of The (Old) Testament,Jewish Gospel of The Circumcision,and could not possibly,contain any portion of The (New) Testament–See Heb 9:16,17. No–The Jewish Gospel,of The Millenial Kingdom of Heaven,was not to be given to any Gentile. See Matt 10:5,6, Matt 15:24.
(8). The So called,Great Commission,of Matt 28:19,20; Mark 16:15-18,was not (our) CHURCH commission,to evangelize the Gentile world at large; but was simply a “re-starting” of the strictly Jewish Kingdom Commission,of Matt 10:1-8,which had been temporarily suspended,by Christ Jesus,at Matt 16:20,in order for Him to prepare for His pending,imminent death,at Calvary.
That this is so–simply compare Christ’s (pre-Calvary) words,of Matt 10:5,6;and Matt 15:24, with His (post-Calvary) words, of John 20:21. i.e. “I AM NOT SENT,BUT UNTO THE LOST SHEEP OF THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL”–“GO NOT INTO THE WAY OF THE GENTILES”–and then–“AS MY FATHER HATH SENT ME (i.e. solely to The Jews,and no Gentiles,EVEN SO (now),SEND I YOU”; i.e. Just to Jews,and no Gentiles. (9).God,did not set National Israel aside for what they did to Israel’s Messiah at Calvary;but because of Christ’s Intercessory Prayer of Ignorance–for Israel of Luke 23:34; God granted National Israel,a period of Divine Amnesty,(covered by the entire book of Acts),in which,National Israel,would be “re-offered”,their slain Messiah–in His resurrection,e.g. Acts 3:12-26.
(10). Once again,National Israel rejected Israel’s Messiah,throughout the entire book of Acts. So the Apostle Paul was given the task of temporarily setting aside National Israel’s Gospel of the Circumcision (transition- ally),at Acts 13:46,18:6 and 28:28.
(11). Paul,was also entrusted,with the (simultaneous) creation of Our Mystery Church,of Eph 3:1-10
Rom 16:25,26. With his (simultaneous) 3 phase,setting aside of National Israel’s Judahism,at Acts 13:46, 18:6 and 28:28. Although known by Paul,our Mystery Church Dispensation could not be fully revealed by Paul;til his Acts 28:28,3rd and final,setting aside,of Israel’s Dispensation of Law.. .
(12). The Church,in view,during the entire Jewish epistle of Acts,was The Jewish Church,started by Moses,at Mt Sinai. See Acts 7:38, with Acts 15:21,and Rev 1:11
(13). At the renting of the Jewish Temple Veil,at Calvary,Luke 23:45,all earthly building worship ended; together,with it’s multiple,human mediators,between God and man, and–all of it’s former ordinances of Divine service. See Heb Ch 9.
This would thereafter be–for us:
“IN FAVOUR,OF A NEW,AND LIVING WAY TO WORSHIP GOD,IN THE HEAVENLIES”. See Heb Ch 9,and Heb 10:19,20. THERE IS NOW,ONLY ONE MEDIATOR,BETWEEN GOD AND MAN; THE MAN,CHRIST JESUS”,1 Tim 2:5. So much,for all subsequent,self appointed mediators!
(14). Our Mystery Church,of Eph 3:1-10, Rom 16:25,26, is not composed of (both) saved Jews,and saved Gentiles; but is composed of (neither). See Gal 3:24, Col 3:11.
We,are now members of “A NEW CREATION,IN CHRIST JESUS”,called The Church,which is His “ONE BODY”. Our Mystery Church,IS NOT ANY ONE of the well over 12,000 earthly churches in view today,but is The Heavenly Based,Invisible,Spiritual,Living Body of Christ Jesus,Eph 1:22,23. It is not ANY “man-made” earthly mande,earthly,organization,but it is,a God made,heaven based,Living Organism,and there is,NO OTHER CHURCH. How do we become “a member” of Christ’s One Body,i.e. His One True,Mystery Church.of Eph 3:1-10? By having received,THE ONE (dry,waterless,Holy Spirit administered),BAPTISM OF DEATH,(WITH) CHRIST JESUS,OF CALVARY”, Rom 6:3-10,and 1 Cor 12:13. That there is no other baptism,either required,or permitted,in this dispensation of Grace,is plainly so stated in Eph 4:5. Time,has prohibited me from fully covering all of the unique dispensational truths,partially set forth in this,and my ten previous studies. But I have fully done so,in my other unusual (but true) dispensational studies. Thank You For Listening.Thiis will conclude my ten dispensational radio messages
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