Names of God

I started to search out the scriptures on my own, and discovered that the Bible [KJB} addresses God in many different ways, and there is not just One Name that he is referred to .First off I do not use the term Trinity, nor do I believe there are 3 persons, but the 3 Natures of God in the Godhead One God so it is the Divine Nature of God if you will. A subject of which requires special study and of which I intend to add to this site

Prepared and Researched by; Sam Martino

The word Lord, means with Great Power and Authority , so whenever you see this while reading [Lower case L] keep that Attribute in mind

Lets proceed with some titles and their occurrences

The Bible Rightly Divided of course. Here are some Identifiers and definitions I have learned and applied

LORD or GOD = JEHOVA, can be said to be his proper Name used some 7000 times in the Bible

ELOHIM= GOD used some 2600 times for the Creator GOD and over 200 times referring to a pagan god, used Singular and Plural per context

ADONAI= MASTER= Lower case Lord so when you see the word Lord [lower case L] it refers to Master

God as the Father – The Spoken Word was sent to the Gentiles form Gen 1:1 up till Exodos 19 :1-8 Nation of Jews created

God as the Son- The Living Word [became Flesh] when Jesus appeared, was sent to the Jewish nation of Israel [ Jews] from Matthew- till his Death burial and Resurrection then to his Accension to Heaven

God as the Spirit- the Holy Spirit Comforter. when sent at Pentecost, was to indwell the Church [His Body] is the Spirit of truth, he promised would come when he departed it is His Spirit, he indwells the saved believer, from the time he was brought forth till the rapture of his Church his body an event of which he [ the Spirit] will be [Temporarily] be Taken out of the way, Not Removed as some Falsely teach …the Spirit is never removed, just set aside for a time to allow the world to receive the Antichrist .. Rightly Divided of course.

Jesus- Savior used some 970 times in Matthew- Revelation

Christ _ Anointed oneused some 555 times= in Matthew – Revelation

Lord = Master” …Lord” is , occurs 665 times & God = theos (from which we get the word God) occurs 1,345 times.  the Lord Jesus Christ all 3 in his Magnified state ultimate Title= 85 times

God’s has many names and they reveal many interesting attributes of the Godhead . To argue over how to refer to Him or how to pronounce his name does not make Biblical sense. Lets also not forget, that when speaking to Moses, God said when Moses asked who should I say said these things , God replies and refers to himself as the Great I AM that I AM have sent me. That should settle that matter.

Author: Sam Martino